a) Hundreds of years later, fire engines were equipped with p operated by hand. These did not have much force and the streams of w could not be thrown very far. Many colonial villages in the United States set up bucket b when a fire broke out. Every man ran into the street with his b and two lines were formed to the nearest water. B full of water were passed along one line and thrown on the f. The e buckets were passed down the other line to be filled. There was a great d of fire in the colonial settlements. Houses were made of w and had thatched roofs. They b d quickly.
Я перевела: Прелставь чт растения и деревья могли бы говорить. Что ини могли бы расказать о вырубке лесов так.
Так вот ответ на этот вопрос.
Если бы деревья могли бы разговоривать то они бы расказали что зря люди просто так и ради своего интереса вырубают деревья и и портят природу леса.
Ну если нужно на английском...
If the trees could speak they would tell me what wonder people just for the sake of interest and cut down trees and spoil the nature of the forest.