A natural disaster is the effect of a natural hazard-flood, tornado, hurricane, volcanic eruption, earthquake, heat wave, landslide, avalanche, tsunami or forest fire. It leads to financial, environmental or human losses. The resulting loss depends on the vulnerability of the affected population to resist the hazard, also called their resilience. This understanding is concentrated in this formulation: disasters occur when hazards meet vulnerability. Thus a natural hazard will not result in a natural disaster in areas without vulnerability, e.g. strong earthquakes in uninhabited areas. The term natural has consequently been disputed because the events simply are not hazards or disasters without human involvement. Task1. The highlighted words are synonyms to these
Task2. Answer the questions
1. What is a natural disaster?
2. What does the loss depend on?
3. When isnt a natural disaster a disaster?
1.Yes, I get along with them(Да я лажу с ними) или No , I can't (нет , не могу)
2. sure (конечно) или no i am neat (нет , я аккуратен)
3. Yes, I had pets (Да , у меня были животные) или no, I didn't have them (нет , у меня их не было)
4. often (часто) или seldom (редко) или never looked ( никогда не смотрел )
5. Yes, I'm looking after ( да , ухаживаю ) или no, I don’t take care of them ( нет , я не забочусь о них ) или No, I have no pets ( нет , у меня нет питомцев )
6. Yes, I have allergies to some animals (да , у меня есть аллергия на некоторых животных) или no, i have no animal allergy ( нет , у меня нет аллергии на животных )
7 Yes, I liked the lesson (да , мне понравился урок) или no, the lesson was boring ( нет , урок оказался скучным )
Это перевод.
1.Вы ладите с животными?
2. Вас когда-нибудь кусало животное?
3. Были ли у вас домашние животные?
4. Как часто вы смотрите передачи о животных?
5. Вы сейчас ухаживаете за животным?
6. Есть ли у вас аллергия на какое-либо животное?
7.Вам понравился этот урок о животных?
1. Bob asked why she had been late the previous Monday.
2. Granny asked why I had been tired the day before.
3. My teacher asked where the book had been.
4. Helen asked where I had been the day before.
5. Mr Harrrison asked if I had gone go to London the previous week.
6. Simon asked if he had known your address.
7. Jerry asked if I had read that book.
8. My friend asked if I had seen those films.
9. Peter asked if she had been at school the day before.
10. Andrew asked if I had been afraid of that dog.