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А. Some people call it the most dangerous sport. It’s certainly the maddest: you’ve got to be crazy to ski down a 60-degree slope.
B. Extreme skiers have some advice for novices in the sport. It’s blunt advice, as you might expect from people who get their kicks from pushing themselves to the limits of daring. «If you fall, you die».
C. For the skiers, the steeper the descent down a mountain is the better. They are happy skiing over rocky slopes and taking extreme jumps. The craziest sportsmen will even ski over cliffs – though they do wear parachutes. And it’s all for an adrenalin rush that they claim can’t be described, only experienced.
D. The World Extreme Skiing Championship event takes place yearly in Valdez, Alaska, and it was billed as «the world's most intense heli-accessed ski competition.» The event featured many of the best freeskiers from around the world who competed head to head, facing some of the steepest and most challenging terrain available.
E. “My breathing is irregular. My heart beats in a rapid staccato. My vision blurs as my goggles fog over, and I have not even stepped out of the helicopter. The small craft takes a hit from a wind shear as we nose down towards the impossibly small landing area carved out of the snow and ice, and I wonder why I have allowed my hobby to take me to this dangerous place,» said Amy Hastings, who is keen on extreme skiing.
F. If all this seems a far cry from the weekend skiing through the snow, it’s because it is. There’s nothing like extreme skiing – in competition or for its own sake.
G. It was the French who invented extreme skiing. In the sixties a mountain guide called Sylvian Saudan took to skiing down the icy precipices above the Alpine town of Chamonix that had previously been the territory of climbers using ropes, axes and crampons. He is considered to be the father of extreme skiing and that has given him the name «skier of the impossible».

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15.11.2020 21:20

1) После BE USED TO используется существительное или герундий (глагол + ing), а после USED TO - инфинитив

2) Выражение USED TO - это как слово "раньше", т.е. речь идет о привычках или обычных действиях в но в настоящем времени это действие больше не происходит. Отрицание образуется так: did not use / never used to do something

А выражение TO BE USED TO может использоваться в настоящем и даже будущем времени (надо только менять форму глагола to be) для выражения как привычного действия, так и того, с чем говорящий может смириться, например с болью, отсутствием другого человека.


He used to drink 5 cups of coffe a day. - Раньше он выпивал по 5 чашек кофе в день. (сейчас он этого не делает)

He was used to drinking 5 cups of coffee a day. - Он привык выпивать по 5 чашек кофе в день. (У него появилась такая привычка и, возможно, он до сих пор пьет столько кофе)

They are used to going to bed early. - Они привыкли рано ложиться спать (эта привычка у них есть в настоящее время)

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08.04.2021 06:58
1. Are you doing your homework? – No, I am not. I had done it before.
2. Do you like learning English? – Yes, I do. I learn English every day.
3. Were you in the kitchen five minutes ago? – No, I wasn't. I were in my room.
4. Have you already had lunch? – Yes, I have. I had lunch 2 hours ago.
5. Can you draw pictures? – Yes, I can. I can draw simple pictures.
6. Did you watch the film yesterday? – No, I didn't. I was reading a book the whole day yesterday.
7. Could you write when you were 6? – Yes, I could. I could write well.
8. Will you go shopping tomorrow? – No, I won't. I will be at home tomorrow.
9. Are you going to sleep now? – No, I am not. I am going to continue reading my book.
10. Were you busy yesterday? – No, I wasn't. I was at home yesterday.
11. Have you written the essay about your favorite food? – Yes, I have. I wrote it in 6 class.
12. Are you smiling at the moment? – No, I am not. I don't want to smile.
13. Do you like cooking? – No, I don't. I hate it!
14. Did you get up early in the morning? – Yes, I did. I got up at 7 o'clock.
15. Will you recommend your teacher to other people? – No, I won't. I don't understand my teacher's explanations.
16. Is there a big sofa in your flat? – Yes, there is. I like it.
17. Are there copybooks on your table? – Yes, there are. There are a lot of copybooks on my table.
18. Have you got a car? – No, I haven't. I don't like cars!
19. Have you finished this exercise? – No, I haven't. I am doing it at the moment.
20. Was this exercise difficult for you? – No, it wasn't. It was interesting.

1. How many times a day do you have a coffee break? – I have coffee break two times a day.
2. How much water do you drink a day? – I don't know. I think I drink enough water a day.
3. How many brothers and sisters have you got? – I have one elder brother and I haven't got any sisters.
4. How many furniture is there in your house? – There is enough furniture in my house.
5. How many pictures are there on the wall of your room? – There are no pictures in my room. I don't like them.
6. How much English do you speak? – I try to speak English every day.
7. How many good friends have you got? – Unfortunately I haven't got any good friends.
8. How much money do you earn? – I don't work. I study at school. Whereas I don't earn any money.
9. How much time have you got? – I have enough time.
10. How many days are you doing this Module? – I have been doing it for 4 days.
11. How much music do you listen every day? – I listen a lot of music every day. When I am studying English, I also listen music.
12. Would you like to go on vacation? Where would you like to go? – I would like to go on vacation to London. I want to see historical buildings there.
13. What would you like to do after the lesson? – I would like to go to canteen with a friend of mine.
14. What do you like doing in your free time? – I like reading and helping my mother with the flat.
15. Where would you like to go at weekend? – I would like to go to my grandparents.
16. Who would you like to meet? Anyone. I wouldn't like it.
17. Do you like meat? – Yes, I do. I like meat very much.
18. What would you like to eat now? – I would like to eat some fruits.
19. What do you like to eat for breakfast? – I like to eat omelet for breakfast.
20. What would you like to buy next time? – I would like to buy some interesting books.
21. What don't you like buying? – I don't like buying technique because I don't trust them.
22. What kind of music do you like? – I like classical music. I think it is the best music.
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