A The two girls were very frightened. They jumped out of bed and ran onto the landing Flames were slowly climbing up the stairs. The air was hot and thick with smoke. "You wake Mum and Dad," said Kate. "I have to call the fire brigade. BAs soon as the fire was finally out, one of the firefighters came over to Kate and Lucy "You were very brave," he said. "You acted very quickly. Well done!" Everybody smiled. They were relieved that the nightmare was over C It was a cool night and Kate was lying awake in bed. Her sister, Lucy was sleeping peacefully on the other side of the room. She had come home late and was tired. Kate didn't know what had woken her up, but she felt that something was wrong. D When the fire brigade arrived, the whole family were standing by an E upstairs window. The firefighters climbed up a ladder and carried them down to safety. Then, they put out the fire with long hoses. Suddenly, she smelt a strange burning smell. She sat up in bed. "Lucy!" she said. "What is it?" Lucy asked, as she opened her eyes. "Can you smell smoke?" asked Kate. Lucy sniffed the air. "Yes," she said. "Oh no! The house is on fire!"
Пропущенные слова:
a postman, a candy man, a pilot, a fireman, a farmer
"Кем станет наш малыш, когда вырастет?" спросил папа Кролик.
Малыш Кролик улыбнулся своей кроличьей семье.
Он знал, кем хотел стать.
"Может быть он будет миленьким почтальоном, который будет разносить письма и счастливить людей," сказал папа Кролик.
"Может быть он будет кондитером. Он будет готовить сладости и раздавать их всем хорошим деткам," сказал голодный братик крольчонок.
"Я думаю, наш малыш Кролик будет пилотом," сказала сестренка крольчонок.
"Может быть он будет пожарным," сказала тетя Крольчиха.
"Он может вырасти фермером с хорошим красным трактором," сказал дядя Кролик. Но малыш Кролик не хотел стать почтальоном, кондитером, пожарным или фермером с хорошим красным трактором.
У него будет много маленьких крольчат, которых он будет кормить, когда они голодны. Он будет читать им сказки, когда они сонны и укладывать их в кроватку ночью. Вот кем будет малыш Кролик.
Папой Кроликом!