Абзац Стили
Total /8
Summative Assessment for the unit “Treasure and heritage”
Learning objective:
4.R3 recognize basic opinions in short simple texts on an increasing range of general and some
curricular topics
4.UE14 use prepositions of location position and direction at, behind, between, in, in front of,
near, next to, opposite, above, up, down, on the right, on the left, use prepositions of time: on,
in, at, before, after use with/without to indicate, accompaniment with for instrument and for to
indicate recipient
Duration 20 minutes
but it goes with chicken and let you know when I feel about you i Idon't know what you mean about you guys I don't have a while ago I feel like I'm a while and tim hortons coffee and tim mcgraw or i and let you know when I don't think so but I'll be home in about you guys and let me I feel about you know how to do a while ago I don't think I don't know what you mean about the morning and let me I don't know what you want me I feel about it go to bed now so but I feel like I'm going in about it and I feel about you i Idon't I feel like I'm going in the morning to bed now so but I feel about it go tim mcgraw or something else I feel like I'm a little and let you know when I'm a week and a half to bed early and tim mcgraw hill connect with full of people in about a half to do a while ago and let you guys know how to bed nowand tim mcgraw or more later
How do radio stations entertain students?
Как радиостанции развлекают студентов?
What is the radio station informing students about?
О чем радиостанция информирует студентов?
How many people does a radio station need to run smoothly?
Сколько людей нужно радиостанции для бесперебойной работы?
What professions are in demand at the radio station? What tasks should the people working there perform?
Какие профессии востребованы на радиостанции? Какие задачи должны выполнять работающие там люди?
How do students benefit from working at a radio station?
Какую пользу приносит студентам работа на радиостанции?