I'm a pupil. I go to my lovely school. There are a lot of very good teachers. I have some school friends in my school. They are so much fun! We spend our time on break together. There is school canteen. My friends and me usually go there to eat something. I really like my school! Я ученик. Я люблю ходить в мою школу. Там много хороших учителей. У меня есть несколько школьных друзей. Они очень веселые! Мы проводим время на перемене вместе.у нас есть столовка. Я и мои друзья обычно идем туда , чтобы что-нибудь съесть . Я действительно люблю свою школу . )
1) the southeast of england is well known for its flat plains, where lots of farms are situated.
2) valleys and meadows of scotland always attract a lot of tourists.
3) green henges( живая изгородь вроде-бы так переводится) in england are separating fields.
4) english scenery is famous for its green henges and green fields
5) i admire of people, which are travelling, discovering new lands and exploring them.
6) my dad has already been in the norhern ireland, but hasn't seen another parts of greatvbritain yet.
7) famous resort towns of england are situated in the southeast.