Aid, laid, maid, paid, fail, bail, jail, mail, nail, trail, train, Spain, bay, day, lay, gray, may, way, tray, sway, play, Kay, hey, grey, they, obey, key, receive, receipt, deceive, bee, queen, steer, meet, feet, see, free, steel, peep, week, weep, need, sweep, sea, tea, read, leaf, team, cream, clean, peace, stream, die, lie, pie, tie, field, sieve, niece, piece, book, room, loop, snoop, school, good, food, roof, zoom, cool, pool, moon, bound, found, mount, count, proud, sound, cloud, noun, oil, coil, joint, soid, soil, point, spoil, fault, cause, auto, Australia, author, sauser, boat, road, goat, goal, loaf, foal
//С sometimes
1. We all make mistakes sometimes.
2. Sometimes I take the bus to work.
3. He works nine hours a day, sometimes more than that.
4. I sometimes think that men and women move at completely different speeds.
5. Her jokes are funny, but sometimes she goes too far.
6. It's just sometimes it's easier to hang out with dad.
7. I guess, sometimes love wins out over doing your job.
8. I feel alone sometimes too, but only sometimes.
9. I wonder sometimes if the people really love you.
10. You lied, sometimes for a reason and sometimes without.
//С never
1. I've never done anything like this before.
2. We never have anything good to look forward to.
3. I never really wanted to get married.
4. I have never seen that happen before.
5. We will never forget what we saw.
6. That man has never heard of you.
7. Bringing up children is never easy.
8. She'll never be able to have children.
9. I've never even thought about that before.
10. I never knew you lived around here.
Нурсулта́н Аби́шевич Назарба́ев — советский и казахстанский государственный и политический деятель. Член Конституционного совета Казахстана с 19 марта 2019. Президент Республики Казахстан с 24 апреля 1990 по 20 марта 2019. Экс-президент Казахской ССР.
Дата и место рождения: 6 июля 1940 г. (возраст 80 лет), Шамалган
Рост: 1,7 м
Супруга: Сара Алпысовна Назарбаева (в браке с 1962 г.)
Внуки: Айсултан Назарбаев, Нурали Рахатович Алиев, Венера Алиева, ещё
Дети: Дарига Нурсултановна Назарбаева, Алия Нурсултановна Назарбаева, ещё
Братья и сестры: Болат Назарбаев, Сатыбалды Назарбаев,