Complete the sentences
Complete the sentences with the phrases given below:
the flu, washing the floor, the tennis team, some work, the angry neighbour,
not paying.
Don't rewrite the sentence, type in with lowercase words, with no sapce before the 1st and last words, with one space to separate the words.
Example: The two boys got away from the as quickly as they could. - the angry neighbour
1) Susie needs to get down to ___ because she has exams soon.
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2) Tom got out of , which put him in a good mood.
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3) I’m just getting over ___ after being in bed for a week.
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4) He was delighted when he got into ___ at the weekend.
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5) You won’t get away with taxes.
Complete the sentences with the following phrasal verbs in the correct form:
get rid of, get through to, get off lightly, get out of, get away with, get up to,
get on with, get over, get wound up, get at
Type in with the lowercase letters, with no space before the first and after the last words, and with one space to separate the words.
Example: My mom is always getting at me to start a family.
1) I think criminals in this country. They never get sent to prison for long enough.
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2) This washing machine is too old. We need to it.
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3) I don’t know how we managed to win. We should never have got that penalty. We really it this time.
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4) He still hasn’t __ losing his job. I’ve never seen him so depressed.
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5) I doing that boring project because I said I was too busy.
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6) I can’t my students about the importance of speaking English. They only want to do written grammar exercises.
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7) I didn’t ___ much last weekend. I just stayed in and watched DVDs.
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8) I by the neighbour’s dog. He’s always barking and keeps me awake at night. I’m getting really angry.
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9) I don’t __ my mother–in-law. She’s always telling me what to do and she is really annoying.
перевод этого текста ,если нужно:Лиса – одно из самых хитрых, ловких и осторожных диких животных. В основном она охотится днем, но может легко преследовать добычу ночью. Рыжая хищница видеть в условиях плохой освещенности. А ее гибкие уши улавливают малейший шорох, произведенный зайцем или мышью.Убежать от лисы – непростая задача для мелкого грызуна. Эта опытная охотница очень проворна. Иногда она передвигается со скоростью до 48 км/час. Пышный лисий хвост стал символом охотничьей удачи.Хорошо известно, что лисы – близкие родственники собак и волков. Но рыжие обманщицы также обладают чертами котов. Они умеют втягивать когти. Кроме того, у них вертикальные зрачки в то время, как у других собак они круглые. Но более всего походит на котов серая лисица. Это единственная лиса, которая умеет лазить по деревьям.