Английский 1. символ мира 2.две розы были объединены…, 3.поражение короля 4.нарцисс лүк-порей 5. дикое растение, 6.листья с шипами, 7.наступить на чертополох, 8.белая луковица, 9.обыкновенный в форме 10.колокольчика цветок, 11.множество золотых нарциссов, 12.белый клевер, 13.три листа на стебле, 14.иллюстрация церковного таинства
I don't have a particular style of dress. On ordinary days, I prefer to wear jeans or simple pants, with some kind of T-shirt or sweater. For example, in the fall, I prefer black or blue pants with some kind of milky or gray sweater. My style doesn't change in winter. It is the same as the autumn one. Dark trousers and possibly a blouse, but a cardigan on top. In the spring, it gets warm and you can wear anything. I like to wear dresses in different colors. Skirts, I rarely wear. Only to school. In the summer, I wear shorts and a tank top. Or maybe jeans. My favorite shoes are sneakers. But, I wear them only in dry weather. To school, I usually wear black pants and a white blouse. From above, I can wear a sweater. As for shoes I like ballet flats. My style is not defiant. It is ordinary. But I personally like it very much.
To present - presentation; to manage - management; to inform - information; reliable - reliability; an audit - auditing, auditors.
Because accounting affects people in many different fields, public accounting and private accounting include specialized services. Auditing is the accounting profession’s most significant service to the public. An audit is the independent examination that assure the reliability of the accounting reports that management prepares and submits to investors, creditors, and others outside the business. In carrying out an audit, CPAs (Certified Public Accountants) from outside a business examine the business’s financial statements. If the CPAs believe that these documents are a fair presentation of the business’s operations, the CPAs give a professional opinion stating that the firm’s financial statements are in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, which is the standard. Why is the audit so important? Creditors considering loans want assurance that the facts and figures the business submits are reliable. Stockholders, who have invested in the business, need to know that the financial picture management shows them is complete. Government agencies need accurate information from business. Internal auditing is performed by a business’s own accountants. Many large organizations maintain a staff of internal auditors. These accountants evaluate the firm’s own accounting and management systems. Their aim is to improve operating efficiency and to ensure that employees and departments follow management's procedures and plans.
I don't have a particular style of dress. On ordinary days, I prefer to wear jeans or simple pants, with some kind of T-shirt or sweater. For example, in the fall, I prefer black or blue pants with some kind of milky or gray sweater. My style doesn't change in winter. It is the same as the autumn one. Dark trousers and possibly a blouse, but a cardigan on top. In the spring, it gets warm and you can wear anything. I like to wear dresses in different colors. Skirts, I rarely wear. Only to school. In the summer, I wear shorts and a tank top. Or maybe jeans. My favorite shoes are sneakers. But, I wear them only in dry weather. To school, I usually wear black pants and a white blouse. From above, I can wear a sweater. As for shoes I like ballet flats. My style is not defiant. It is ordinary. But I personally like it very much.
to manage - management;
to inform - information;
reliable - reliability;
an audit - auditing, auditors.
Because accounting affects people in many different fields, public accounting and private accounting include specialized services.
Auditing is the accounting profession’s most significant service to the public. An audit is the independent examination that assure the reliability of the accounting reports that management prepares and submits to investors, creditors, and others outside the business. In carrying out an audit, CPAs (Certified Public Accountants) from outside a business examine the business’s financial statements. If the CPAs believe that these documents are a fair presentation of the business’s operations, the CPAs give a professional opinion stating that the firm’s financial statements are in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, which is the standard. Why is the audit so important? Creditors considering loans want assurance that the facts and figures the business submits are reliable.
Stockholders, who have invested in the business, need to know that the financial picture management shows them is complete. Government agencies need accurate information from business.
Internal auditing is performed by a business’s own accountants. Many large organizations maintain a staff of internal auditors. These accountants evaluate the firm’s own accounting and management systems. Their aim is to improve operating efficiency and to ensure that employees and departments follow management's procedures and plans.