lately, people have not thought about the harm they bring to humanity. in front of everyone, nature is dying slowly.
people burn everything, build factories in order to provide themselves well, not thinking that they can harm their children and grandchildren, that they will not live comfortably in this dead nature. the air is full of different gases that make it difficult for living beings to breathe, starting with a person, ending with plants that help usTo breathe fresh air.we need to think about the future. I think that the solution to this all-come up with something that will not interfere with polluting the environment and give the opportunity to live a beautiful planet .
1 bath toys- игрушки для ванны
2 brush- расчестка
3 comb- гребень
4 cotton balls
5 curling iron-плойка
6 dental floss- зубная нить
7 electronic razor- эл. бритва
8 first aid kit- аптечка
9 hair dryer- фен
10 Q-tip
11 mouth wash- опласкиватель для рта
13 razor- бритва
14 scale- весы
15 lotion- лосьен
16 shampoo- шампунь
17 shower- душ
18 sink- раковина
19 soap-мыло
20 tissue- бумажные плоточки
21 toilet-туалет
22 toilet paper- туалетная бумага
23 tooth brush- зубная щетка
24 tooth paste- зубная паста
25 towel- банное полотенце
My little brother still playing with bath toys while I wash him
Where is toilet paper?
I clean my teeth with toothbrush.
I need to buy soap, shampoo and lotion.
I brush my hair with comb.
lately, people have not thought about the harm they bring to humanity. in front of everyone, nature is dying slowly.
people burn everything, build factories in order to provide themselves well, not thinking that they can harm their children and grandchildren, that they will not live comfortably in this dead nature. the air is full of different gases that make it difficult for living beings to breathe, starting with a person, ending with plants that help usTo breathe fresh air.we need to think about the future. I think that the solution to this all-come up with something that will not interfere with polluting the environment and give the opportunity to live a beautiful planet .