Декоративно-прикладное искусство -широкий раздел изобразительного искусства, который охватывает различные отрасли творческой деятельности, направленной на создание художественных изделий с утилитарными и художественными функциями. Собирательный термин, условно объединяет два обширных рода искусств: декоративное и прикладное. В отличие от произведений изящного искусства, предназначенных для эстетического наслаждения и относящихся к чистому искусству, многочисленные проявления декоративно-прикладного творчества могут иметь практическое употребление в повседневной жизни. Произведения декоративно-прикладного искусства отвечают нескольким характеристикам: обладают эстетическим качеством; рассчитаны на художественный эффект; служат для оформления быта и интерьера[1]. Такими произведениями являются: плательные и декоративные ткани, мебель, художественное стекло, фарфор, фаянс, ювелирные и другие художественные изделия.
Winter is a fairy season of a year. I like bright and frosty weather and snowing outside. Bizarre patterns are appearing on the window plates. When everything is covered with white snow it seems that you got into some kind of a fairytale. Moreover it’s a great time to skiing, sliding, snowballing and making snowman.
When it is too frosty outside you don’t even want to go outside at first. But once you’ve got out and walk on a lane listening to snow creaking it becomes joy. Main in thing in such weather is to keep moving. It is impossible to freeze while walking, running, riding skies or sleigh.
January is the time of greatest holidays of Christmas and New Year. All relatives are gathering and mother cooks tastiest things. I like the blinking of garlands in windows during those holydays. But most pleasant parts of all festivities are given and presented present. I used to believe in Santa Claus but presents from parents are great too.
Winter gave us lots of beauty and joy. One can spend time with use to health even despite the cold weather. And it’s great time to spend time with relatives. And even when there are severest frost outside one should remember that winter won’t last forever and warm spring is ahead.
Winter is a fairy season of a year. I like bright and frosty weather and snowing outside. Bizarre patterns are appearing on the window plates. When everything is covered with white snow it seems that you got into some kind of a fairytale. Moreover it’s a great time to skiing, sliding, snowballing and making snowman.
When it is too frosty outside you don’t even want to go outside at first. But once you’ve got out and walk on a lane listening to snow creaking it becomes joy. Main in thing in such weather is to keep moving. It is impossible to freeze while walking, running, riding skies or sleigh.
January is the time of greatest holidays of Christmas and New Year. All relatives are gathering and mother cooks tastiest things. I like the blinking of garlands in windows during those holydays. But most pleasant parts of all festivities are given and presented present. I used to believe in Santa Claus but presents from parents are great too.
Winter gave us lots of beauty and joy. One can spend time with use to health even despite the cold weather. And it’s great time to spend time with relatives. And even when there are severest frost outside one should remember that winter won’t last forever and warm spring is ahead.