1) i'll look for it on television or newspapers because newspapers write about the political status of countries 2)I would have looked at this museum brochures or magazines about art 3) I would have looked about this topic on TV financial news because what they say about the economic situation of the country and the economy as a whole 4) I'd read about it in the magazine in which they write about the lives of celebrities, or I would have heard about the new album on the radio. just as I would have looked a program about celebrity news on TV И так далее
I love the Avengers movie because it has a lot of characters and everyone has their own story .For example, iron man he is a very rich man whose father was an inventor and he himself also became an inventor and made a bulletproof, technological iron suit
Я люблю фільм "Месники", тому що в ньому багато персонажів і у кожного своя історія .Наприклад, Залізна людина він дуже багата людина, чий батько був винахідником, і він сам теж став винахідником і зробив Куленепробивний, технологічний залізний костюм
2)I would have looked at this museum brochures or magazines about art
3) I would have looked about this topic on TV financial news because what they say about the economic situation of the country and the economy as a whole
4) I'd read about it in the magazine in which they write about the lives of celebrities, or I would have heard about the new album on the radio. just as I would have looked a program about celebrity news on TV
И так далее
I love the Avengers movie because it has a lot of characters and everyone has their own story .For example, iron man he is a very rich man whose father was an inventor and he himself also became an inventor and made a bulletproof, technological iron suit
Я люблю фільм "Месники", тому що в ньому багато персонажів і у кожного своя історія .Наприклад, Залізна людина він дуже багата людина, чий батько був винахідником, і він сам теж став винахідником і зробив Куленепробивний, технологічний залізний костюм