Vacation or business trip, no matter where you go, be sure, it is much more convenient to reside in a good hotel than look for a flat, a room or a hostel.
1) Is it much more convenient to reside in a good hotel than look for a flat?
2)Is it much more convenient to reside in a good hotel or look the flat?
3) When is it much more convenient to reside in a good hotel?
еще один спец 4) Where is it much more convenient to reside in a good hotel?
If you prefer comfort and modern conveniences, hotels are the best choice.
1) Are the hotels the best choice?
2)Are the hotels the best choice or the worst choice?
3) What are the best choice?
еще один спец)
It is not surprising that most celebrities and wealthy people visit only famous acknowledged hotels that suggest luxurious rooms or even apartments, pleasant service and privacy.
1) Do celebrities and wealthy people visit only famous acknowledged hotels that suggest luxurious rooms?
2) Do celebrities and wealthy people visit only famous acknowledged hotels that suggest luxurious rooms or apartments?
3) When do celebrities and wealthy people visit only famous acknowledged hotels that suggest luxurious rooms?
All of these hotels usually have their own history and peculiarities.
еще один спец 1) What do All of these hotels usually have?
Сказать можно подписавшись на акк инсты @clearteacher
CUM CUM CUM CUM CUM CUM CUM CUM CUM CUM CUM CUM CUM CUM CUM CUM CUM CUM На рисунке изображено магнитное поле проводника с током.
а) По какому правилу можно определить направление силовых линий магнитного поля. [1]
b) Сформулируйте это правило. [1]
с) Куда направлен ток на рисунке, если силовые линии магнитного поля направлены по часовой стрелке. [1]
d) Нарисуйте магнитную стрелку вблизи силовых линий, учитывая правильное расположение магнитных полюсов. [1]На рисунке изображена электрическая цепь.
а) Начертите схему электрической цепи. [2]
b) Запишите показания амперметра. [1]
с) Запишите показания вольтметра [1]
d) Определите сопротивление лампы. [2]
Сколько полюсов имеет постоянный магнит?. [1]
В) Нарисуйте постоянный магнит, обозначьте на рисунке магнитные полюса[1]
С) Как взаимодействуют магнитные полюса? [1]
Vacation or business trip, no matter where you go, be sure, it is much more convenient to reside in a good hotel than look for a flat, a room or a hostel.
1) Is it much more convenient to reside in a good hotel than look for a flat?
2)Is it much more convenient to reside in a good hotel or look the flat?
3) When is it much more convenient to reside in a good hotel?
еще один спец 4) Where is it much more convenient to reside in a good hotel?
If you prefer comfort and modern conveniences, hotels are the best choice.
1) Are the hotels the best choice?
2)Are the hotels the best choice or the worst choice?
3) What are the best choice?
еще один спец)
It is not surprising that most celebrities and wealthy people visit only famous acknowledged hotels that suggest luxurious rooms or even apartments, pleasant service and privacy.
1) Do celebrities and wealthy people visit only famous acknowledged hotels that suggest luxurious rooms?
2) Do celebrities and wealthy people visit only famous acknowledged hotels that suggest luxurious rooms or apartments?
3) When do celebrities and wealthy people visit only famous acknowledged hotels that suggest luxurious rooms?
All of these hotels usually have their own history and peculiarities.
еще один спец 1) What do All of these hotels usually have?
Сказать можно подписавшись на акк инсты @clearteacher