Английский ответьте на вопросы ( пассивный залог) 30б. 1. When was America discovered?
2. In what year were the Olympic Games held in Barcelona?
3. In what century was William Shakespeare born?
4. Where was Coca-Cola invented?
5. What is considered the highest mountain in the world?
6. Where are rubles used?
7. In what country is Kiev located?
8. In what country is Thai spoken by 92% of the population?
9. How many Harry Potter´s novels have been written?
10. When is Halloween celebrated?
11. When is St Patrick´s Day celebrated?
12. When is Thanksgiving Day celebrated?
13. When was the Eiffel Tower built?
14. Are the Channel Islands included in the “United Kingdom”?
15. In what century was Australia settled by the British?
16. Where are most bananas produced?
17. In what museum can La Gioconda painting be seen?
18. How many stars and bars are represented in the flag of the USA?
19. What two ingredients is candy floss made of?
20. What is the largest lake in the world called?
My first visit to the theatre
First of all, I`d like to say that there are different types of theatre: opera, puppet theatre, drama theatre, variety theatre. I do remember my first visit to the theatre. It was a comedy, because I like them very much. We booked the tickets in advance via the Internet. As it was in summer, we didn`t leave any things in the cloakroom. But we bought the programe to read the cast and the plot. Before the performance we saw the photos of the leading actors and actresses on the walls. After the bell rung we took our seats and enjoy the performance. The performance was very interesting.
В моей голове я слышу гудение:
Лето, лето, наступление лета.
Скоро мы едем в отпуск
Но есть сложность:
День за днем возрастает проблема -
Мы ещё не знаем, куда мы будем ехать!
Мама любит больше загородный отдых:
Так она может читать и отдыхать.
Папа считает такой отдых скучным,
Он предпочитает рыбалку на берегу.
Плавание под парусами - это выбор моего брата;
Плавание под парусами делает мою сестру больной;
Она говорит, что плавание гораздо более крутое (классное),
Если это плаванье в бассейне.
Что касается меня, почему меня это не волнует,
Я был бы счастлив в любом месте!