When I (came) at home yesterday, my mom (was сooking) a pie. I (lived) in Brazil two years ago. -The phone's ringing. - I (will get) it. Kendra (is smelling) the soup because it tastes strange. Be careful! You (are going to trip) over that toy! Could you (play) any musical instruments when you (were) a kid? My chief usually (works) on Saturdays. She (has been speaking) for an hour on the phone. He (is waiting) for you at this moment. What does your brother (do)? – He is a sportsman. Ann is in the library. She (is making) a report. Recently, she (has planted some bulbs and flowers. I (was cooking a cake when he (came back) home yesterday. – Is Mary crying? – No, she isn't, she (is peeling onions. Now Justin (is writing a book about his adventures in Tibet. I hope he can find a good publisher when it is finished. We (are having dinner tomorrow night. Would you like to come?
В английском языке появилось много заимствованных слов,которые потом были ассимилированы под фонетическую систему языка,silence,например,французское слово,пишется так же,но произносится иначе-[сайлэнс] и [силянс].Таких слов много,из-за Нормандского завоевания 1066 -1072 года( вторжение в 1066 г. в Англию Вильгельма Завоевателя,герцога Нормандии и последующее подчинение страны.В1066 году Вильгельм стал королём Англии. Окончательно завоевание завершилось подчинением местной феодальной знати новому королю к 1070—1075 годам. В результате завоевания в Англию было создано централизованное государство с сильной королевской властью. Резко усилилась ориентация страны на континентальную Европу и её вовлечённость в европейскую политику, а традиционные связи со Скандинавией ослабли. Завоевание оказало также значительное влияние на развитие английской культуры и языка)
I (lived) in Brazil two years ago.
-The phone's ringing. - I (will get) it.
Kendra (is smelling) the soup because it tastes strange.
Be careful! You (are going to trip) over that toy!
Could you (play) any musical instruments when you (were) a kid?
My chief usually (works) on Saturdays.
She (has been speaking) for an hour on the phone.
He (is waiting) for you at this moment.
What does your brother (do)? – He is a sportsman.
Ann is in the library. She (is making) a report.
Recently, she (has planted some bulbs and flowers.
I (was cooking a cake when he (came back) home yesterday.
– Is Mary crying? – No, she isn't, she (is peeling onions.
Now Justin (is writing a book about his adventures in Tibet. I hope he can find a good publisher when it is finished.
We (are having dinner tomorrow night. Would you like to come?