Учитель – это уважаемая профессия, ведь он не просто обучает детей грамоте или счету. Он имеет на них большое влияние, прививает общечеловеческие ценности, учит жить в обществе и быть настоящими людьми.Учитель – это вечно актуальная профессия, которая имеет огромную силу. Это место, где ты снова и снова влияешь на будущее поколение. Профессия учителя непроста, но я надеюсь, что у меня все получится. Я хочу выбрать именно ее, потому что я уважаю учителей и понимаю, какой большой вклад они вносят в наше развитие и взросление. Я стану одним из них и продолжу это благородное дело.
A teacher is a respected profession, because he not only teaches children the remote, or account. He has great influence, privat lower values of ut to live in society and be true men.The best teacher is always the actual profession, which has or strength. This is the place where you are again and again a leash on future generations. The teaching profession is Nest, but I hope that I will succeed. I want to choose it, because I respect teachers and know what a great contribution they vest in our development and maturation. I Stan one of them and will continue with that Blur thing
Charles Dickens was a famous English writer. He was the person who created characters such as Oliver Twist, Scrooge and David Copperfield. People all over the world, young and old, still read his wonderful stories. Charles Dickens was born in Postmouth, England in 1812. In 1822 his family moved to London. When Dickens was only twelve years old, he went to work in a factory. From 1834-1836, Charles Dickens worked as a reporter for the “Morning Chronicle”. He began his career as a writer in 1837 with “Pickwick Papers”.Dickens married Catherine Hogarth in 1836. He had nine children andwas a very loving father. Dickens was one of the most popular writers of his time.Some of his most famous stories include “Oliver Twist”, “David Copperfield” and“A Christmas Carol”. He travelled a lot and never stopped writing. Charles Dickens died in 1870, more than a hundred years ago, but his storiesare still popular today.
A teacher is a respected profession, because he not only teaches children the remote, or account. He has great influence, privat lower values of ut to live in society and be true men.The best teacher is always the actual profession, which has or strength. This is the place where you are again and again a leash on future generations. The teaching profession is Nest, but I hope that I will succeed. I want to choose it, because I respect teachers and know what a great contribution they vest in our development and maturation. I Stan one of them and will continue with that Blur thing
Charles Dickens was born in Postmouth, England in 1812. In 1822 his family moved to London. When Dickens was only twelve years old, he went to work in a factory. From 1834-1836, Charles Dickens worked as a reporter for the “Morning Chronicle”. He began his career as a writer in 1837 with “Pickwick Papers”.Dickens married Catherine Hogarth in 1836. He had nine children andwas a very loving father. Dickens was one of the most popular writers of his time.Some of his most famous stories include “Oliver Twist”, “David Copperfield” and“A Christmas Carol”. He travelled a lot and never stopped writing.
Charles Dickens died in 1870, more than a hundred years ago, but his storiesare still popular today.