В наше время есть еще (нажатием), чем когда-либо, чтобы оставаться молодой именно этим можно объяснить популярность компьютерная игра, которая претендует на улучшение мозга (производительности) каждого (деятельности) на возраст мозга, который включает в себя множество головоломок и математических задач, была специально разработана, чтобы остановить умственные ухудшается. После игры, вам говорят, что ваш мозг-это. А 30-летний мужчина или женщина может быть (удивлен), чтобы найти у них мозг Возраст 50-летнего, например. (improveness), однако возможно! Создатели говорят, что игра это игра, разработанная японской (proferssos) заставят ваш мозг младшие'. Сочетание (развлечения) и умственной стимуляции для старшего поколения, она уже стала большой (succers) в Японии, где удивительный пятой от общего составляет более 65 лет. Так что если ваша бабушка или дедушка (популярность) начинает немного забывчивый, может быть, это время вы познакомили их с компьютерными играми!
Not everyone knows that the leopard and panther - the same animal. This - one of the most graceful cats around the world. Panther is able to adapt to almost any environment. Colouring it may be different, it depends on the area where he lives, this wild cat. Panther, living in the mountains - white, in the rainforest - black, in the savannah - yellow with black spots. It is perfectly camouflaged, blending with the environment (snow, tall grass, the trees in the jungle). Panther belongs to the order of prey, cats. Body length Panthers - from 1.30 m to 1.90 m. Height - 70 cm. Weight about 60 kg. The life expectancy of about 20 years in captivity and 12 years in the wild. Panther - very flexible and agile beast. She spends most of their time in the trees, watching their territory. When the female is ready to mate the Panthers, it changes the urine odor that attracts males. Males arrange for female tournaments. Panther lives in large open plains, tropical forests, steppes and in the snowy mountains, it can be found in Africa, Asia (especially in India, China and Korea) and on nearby islands. At the beginning of the Quaternary period she lived even in Europe. Panther - nocturnal predator. They lead a solitary lifestyle. Maximum running speed Panthers can reach 60 km / h. In warm areas of the female panther babies can be born at any time of the year. In cold areas Panthers mate in February, and cubs are born in the summer. After 3 - 4 months of pregnancy the female gives birth to 1 to 6 kids. The main enemy of the Panthers - people.
Panther belongs to the order of prey, cats. Body length Panthers - from 1.30 m to 1.90 m. Height - 70 cm. Weight about 60 kg. The life expectancy of about 20 years in captivity and 12 years in the wild. Panther - very flexible and agile beast. She spends most of their time in the trees, watching their territory. When the female is ready to mate the Panthers, it changes the urine odor that attracts males. Males arrange for female tournaments. Panther lives in large open plains, tropical forests, steppes and in the snowy mountains, it can be found in Africa, Asia (especially in India, China and Korea) and on nearby islands. At the beginning of the Quaternary period she lived even in Europe. Panther - nocturnal predator. They lead a solitary lifestyle. Maximum running speed Panthers can reach 60 km / h. In warm areas of the female panther babies can be born at any time of the year. In cold areas Panthers mate in February, and cubs are born in the summer. After 3 - 4 months of pregnancy the female gives birth to 1 to 6 kids. The main enemy of the Panthers - people.