I always use summer holidays for some easy work on the subjectsthat I need for my future studies. I improve my English, read literature and some historical materials. This work brings benefit and pleasure: reading books and listening to English songs, watching documentaries and training your memory while memorizing some verses, English phrases or dates. I am glad that my mother has taught me to do it easily and without any nervous tension. If you treat this work as a game or an amusement you can enjoy a part of the summer and facilitate for your future busy learning season.
Do you like to go to the park? Why do you like to go there? What games can you play there? Can you ride a horse there? Can you play with the ball there?What games do you like to play in the park? What games does your friend like to play? Is it fun to play with your friends in the park? B -- a/ We can play tag, hide-and-seek, leapfrog and hopscotch there. b/ No, we can’t. c/ Yes, we can. d/ Oh, yes, it is. e/ My friend likes to play hide-and-seek. f/ Yes, I do. g/ I like to play with my friends there. h/ I like to play leapfrog in the park.