I liked how I spent the first month of summer . My friends and I rode bicycles every day , tasted strawberries , and sunbathe . Not so long ago I walked in parks and forests , admiring the surrounding beauty . All the trees around are green , and wild flowers grow under them . They are just beginning to bloom . When I was in the park , I rode on various attractions . Then my parents and I bought cotton candy . It is very tasty . Today we found a wonderful place . There's just an incredibly beautiful landscape . Dandelions and burdock grow , which is not there . We had fun relaxing there . We are thinking of having a picnic there tomorrow . And now let's pick some cherries . The blue sky is indescribably beautiful . I like how I spend my vacation . Перевод :Мені сподобалося як я провела перший місяць літа . Ми з подругами щодня каталися на велосипедах , смакували суницею , засмагали . Не так давно гуляла парками та лісами , милуючись навколишньою красою . Всі дерева навколо зелені , а під ними ростуть дикі квіти . Вони тільки починають цвісти . Коли я була у парку , каталися на різних атракціонах . Потім ми з батьками купили солодку вату . Вона дуже смачна . Сьогодні знайшли чудове місце . Там просто неймовірно красивий краєвид . Ростуть кульбаби , лопухи , чого тільки немає . Ми весело провели час відпочиваючи там . Подумуємо завтра влаштувати там пікнік . A зараз підемо нарвемо вишень . Блакитне небо невимовно красиве . Мені подобається , як я проводжу канікули .
1 Kids can be a bit annoyed/annoying when they ask the same question again and again.
2 He looks so much more relaxed/relaxing now that he has a less stressful job.
3 That film was really bored/boring. I don't think I've ever been so bored/boring in my life!
4 Her parents were very excited/exciting when they heard she was going to study in England.
5 I'm sorry you didn't see your friends. That's really disappointed/disappointing.
6 It's interested/interesting that people who like the colour red nearly always have strong personalities.