Английский язык! Разместить буквы в правильном порядке! The main purposes of social networking sites are to connect and
( I E A T C T N R I C N E A T T R ).
These sites are a ( L T P A R M O F R A M O L P F T ) where
people create groups and pages to discuss various topics.
By ( N G N L I I K I K N N G I L ) social networking sites with
each other, users can learn and share so much.
Social networking sites are upgraded from time to time to be ( T
T R E B E R B T T E E ).
Large numbers of business firms and their products and services are helpful for the growth of the
( O N C Y E O M Y M O O E N C ) through these sites.
A lack of face to face interaction on Facebook can make the user
( E S O D T I L A I L S E D A T O ) socially.
Social networking sites ( G O E N A C R U E A N C E U E G R O
) bad grammar and improper spellings.
Teenagers and youngsters are ( F A S N T A I C I A A S C F T
N ) in their use of social networking sites.
There is a risk of ( T E Y T I I N D Y I I T T N D E ) theft on social
networking sites.
On Twitter, users reach millions of people in seconds and also get
( S R S S O P E E N S N R S S P E E O ) in seconds.
On Facebook, the ( U S O F C F S O C U ) is on the user, what
he wants to say about himself or others.
LinkedIn is a ( O F A R M L R M F A L O ) business-oriented
I я (кто) My -мой (чей?) Me - мне (кому, кого)
We - мы Our - наш Us - нам, нас
You - ты Your You
You - вы Your You
He - он His Him
She - она Her Her
It - он, она, оно Its It
They - они Their Them
The cooks are very clever
Carrot cleaned with a knife
Coarse grated tinder cheese:
Back and forth, here and there.
Soup stir ladle
And tolkushkoy crumple potatoes
Knife cut dill
Whack-Whack-Whack and into a bowl of op!
It turned out delicious to
Personally, samples are taken from the dishes,
To our children
Was always fed.
Повара уж очень ловко
Чистят ножиком морковку,
Сыр на крупной терке трут:
Взад-вперед, то там, то тут.
Суп мешают поварешкой
И толкушкой мнут картошку
Режут ножиком укроп
Вжик-вжик-вжик и в миску оп!
Получилось вкусно чтобы,
Лично с блюд снимают пробы,
Чтобы наша детвора
Была сытая всегда.
(делала с репетитором)