Atherosclerosis is expressed in damaged vessels, on which every organ and cell in the body get the oxygen and nutrients. For example, if the disease affected vessels of the heart, there may be symptoms such as chest pain for, and then - a myocardial infarction. The development of brain disorders with cerebral stroke is a very real, if the brain blood vessels clogged with cholesterol. When there is damage to the blood vessels of legs, in addition to constant pain can lose the ability to move independently. All vyshenapisannoe draws not the most joyous picture of the future, especially if a simple man in the street, never faced with atherosclerosis, used to know about it is that most people know. For example, young people are of the opinion that their heart and blood vessels to old age if nothing happens, that is, the development of atherosclerosis in youth is impossible. In the more mature years people with atherosclerosis can talk so often - once a disease I already have, and then fight it does not make sense. However, from the perspective of professionals involved in the survey of many thousands of people with atherosclerosis, the two judgments are wrong. It has been proved that the factors causing the development of atherosclerosis and other diseases of the heart with blood vessels, affect all age groups.
Смотря в каком случае. Если речь идет о насморке, кашле, ОРВИ - то вполне можно лечиться самостоятельно.Есть народные методы лечения, проверенные тысячелетиями, есть опыт знахарей и травников - все это не стоит забывать и пренебрегать этим. Но есть ситуации, когда не обращение к врачу и самолечение может привести к плачевному результату. Как обойтись без врачей в случае аппендицита, перелома или другой травмы? Я уже не говорю про тяжелые случаи(онкология, болезни сердца, рождение глубоко недоношенных детей?