Меня (не) устраивает моя школьная форма. Я хочу чтобы она была удобной и комфортной. Мне бы хотелось, да и не только мне, и моим одноклассникам она нравилась. Я хочу чтобы она была (цвет). Конечно же знакомая и всеми любимая форма- белый верх и чёрный низ. Со временем это надоедает и портит настроение. Надеюсь моё мнение учтётся при её новом изменении . И обязательно нужно,что бы ввели такой день,когда ученикам можно приходить в свободной форме.Один день в неделю.Например в субботу,в короткий день,или в понедельник,что бы сохранялась атмосфера отдыха.Вобщем школьная форма в первую очередь должна нравится ученику,что бы в школу ходить с настроением.
1. Did he take the suitcase? He didn't take the suitcase.
2. Did you have English yesterday? You didn't have English yeaterday.
3. Did he look at the blackboard? He didn't look at the blackboard.
4. Were they at the cinema last week? They weren't at the cinema last week.
5. Did we discuss the problem during the meeting? We didn't discuss the problem during the meeting.
6. Did he find his book on the shelf? He didn't find his book on the shelf.
7. Did Ann fall and hurt her leg? Ann didn't fall and hurt her leg.
8. Did the boy run to the yard? The boy didn't run to the yard.
9. Did Tom keep the money in his pocket? Tom didn't keep the money in his pocket.
10. Did she see her friend yesterday? She didn't see her friend yesterday.
11. Was the teacher pleased with my answer? The teacher wasn't pleased with my answer.
12. Did we hear about the accident? We didn't hear about the accident.
13. Did they leave for London two days ago? they didn't leave for London two days ago.
14. Did they see an interesting program on TV yesterday? They didn't see an interesting program on TV yesterday.
15. Did he meet the delegation a week ago? He didn't meet the delegation a week ago.