Answer: a, b or c. 0 Shakira a began singing quite late. b wasn’t famous for a long time. c sang a popular song at a sports event.
1 Michael Phelps
a still has a career as a swimmer.
b got another name because of his swimming.
c won more medals than any other Olympic competitor.
2 Jack Dorsey
a had a brilliant idea for something before he left university.
b is well-known by the people who use Twitter.
c often shares his own opinions on the Internet.
3 Daniel Radcliffe
a prefers acting in films to the theatre.
b made a Harry Potter film every year.
c played Harry Potter when he was over ten.
4 Bill Gates
a has more money than anyone else in the world.
b has his name on the product he created.
c gives some of his money away to people who need it.
5 JK Rowling
a first thought of her stories when she was travelling.
b has sold more books worldwide than any other writer.
c has a lot of different writers’ names.
Pharmacist - аптекарь, специалист в области фармации, который имеет образование и опыт работы, чтобы исполнять свои функции. Аптекари работают в аптеках, где советуют пациентов относительно дозировок, противопоказаний и побочных эффектов лекарств, а также связанной с ними информации.
Physics - физика, единая наука, которая изучает различные виды энергии, взаимодействие между материей и энергией, такие явления и процессы, как механика, тепловые явления, электричество, магнетизм, оптика, ядерная физика и квантовая физика. Физика помогает понять мир вокруг нас и объяснить законы природы.
Chemistry - химия, наука, изучающая состав, структуру, свойства и переходы веществ. Она исследует атомы, молекулы, реакции и превращения, включая химические связи, энергию, термодинамику, кинетику, равновесие и другие основные понятия. Химия играет важную роль в лекарственном производстве, промышленности и других отраслях.
Botany - ботаника, наука, изучающая растения и их развитие, строение и функционирование, также их эволюцию, распределение, классификацию и взаимодействие с окружающей средой. Ботаника также включает изучение растений, используемых в медицине, пищевой и других отраслях.
Pharmacognosy - фармакогнозия, область фармации, которая изучает биологически активные вещества в растениях, а также методы извлечения, анализа и использования этих веществ в медицине и других областях. Фармакогнозия помогает определить потенциальную ценность растений для производства лекарств.
Pharmacology - фармакология, наука, изучающая воздействие лекарственных средств на организм. Фармакология анализирует взаимодействия лекарств с клетками, органами и системами организма, а также механизмы действия лекарств, их эффекты, побочные явления, метаболизм и выведение из организма. Фармакология помогает разрабатывать безопасные и эффективные лекарственные препараты.
Pharmacopeia - фармакопея, набор стандартов и регулятивных требований для качества, безопасности и эффективности лекарственных средств. Фармакопея определяет стандартные методы контроля и тестирования лекарств, а также позволяет обеспечить соответствие производимых и продаваемых лекарств требованиям и стандартам. Фармакопея также содержит информацию о составе и дозировке лекарственных препаратов.
B: Maybe you are right, we have been walking 10 kilometres in only one hour and a half.
In this dialogue, we use the present perfect continuous tense to talk about an action that started in the past and is still happening or has just finished. The action of walking too fast started in the past and is still happening.
2. A: You have been drinking. You can't take the car.
B: But I have only been drinking a couple of beers!
A: That isn't true; you have been drinking four beers.
In this dialogue, we use the present perfect continuous tense to talk about an action that started in the past and is still happening or has just finished. The action of drinking started in the past and is still happening. Also, the present perfect continuous is used to emphasize the duration of the action.
3. I have been waiting for you all morning! Where have you been all this time?
In this sentence, we use the present perfect continuous tense to talk about an action that started in the past and is still happening or has just finished. The action of waiting started in the past and is still happening. Also, we use the present perfect continuous to emphasize the duration of the action.
4. I have been teaching in this school for 20 years, and I have met thousands of students from hundreds of different countries.
In this sentence, we use the present perfect continuous tense to talk about an action that started in the past and has just finished. The action of teaching started in the past and has just finished. Also, the present perfect continuous is used to emphasize the duration of the action.
5. A: It smells fantastic!
B: Yeah, I have been making cookies all afternoon.
A: Let me see. Wow! You have made a lot of cookies!
In this dialogue, we use the present perfect continuous tense to talk about an action that started in the past and is still happening or has just finished. The action of making cookies started in the past and is still happening. Also, the present perfect continuous is used to emphasize the duration of the action.
6. A: Someone has been calling all morning. They have called at least ten times.
B: Well, you have been sitting next to the phone all this time. You could have picked it up.
In this dialogue, we use the present perfect continuous tense to talk about an action that started in the past and is still happening or has just finished. The action of calling started in the past and is still happening. Also, the present perfect continuous is used to emphasize the duration of the action.
7. I have been working here for over a month and I have not met the manager yet.
In this sentence, we use the present perfect continuous tense to talk about an action that started in the past and is still happening or has just finished. The action of working started in the past and is still happening. Also, the present perfect continuous is used to emphasize the duration of the action.
8. I have lost my keys and I have been trying to contact my wife all morning, but she isn't answering her phone.
In this sentence, we use the present perfect continuous tense to talk about an action that started in the past and is still happening or has just finished. The action of trying to contact started in the past and is still happening. Also, the present perfect continuous is used to emphasize the duration of the action.
9. What's the matter with you? You haven't said anything since this morning.
In this sentence, we use the present perfect simple tense to talk about an action that started in the past and has just finished. The action of saying started in the past and has just finished.
10. Look, I have washed my car. Doesn't it look new now?
In this sentence, we use the present perfect simple tense to talk about an action that started in the past and has just finished. The action of washing started in the past and has just finished.