Answer the following questions: 1. What are the principal parts of the human body?
2. What are the upper extremities?
3. What are the legs called?
4. What does the skull contain?
5. What does the face consist of?
6. What are the three principal parts of the ear?
7. Where are the gums?
8. What connects the trunk with the head?
9. What is the upper part of the trunk called?
10. What are the principal organs in the abdominal cavity?
11. What does the skeleton protect the organs from?
12. What are the bones covered with?
13. What does each arm consist of?
14. What does the lower extremity consist of?
15. How do body parts move??
16. Which is the heaviest part of human body??
17. What are the 12 organs of the body?
18. What is the smallest organ in our body?
19. What is the weight of human brain?
<Your city> <Russia> <Date> (это всё в правом верхнем углу)
Dear Tom,.
thank you for your letter!
I'm sorry for your drain. If i were you, i would talk to my parents about this situation. Talking about things can solve many troubles.
My parents understand me perfectly, they understand that my opinion may have differ from theirs, they trust me and almost don't put pressure on me.
Any parents can be "ideal". A good parent should have patience for his child, support his ideas, and not ruin the passion to study, sport and hobbie.
With love/all best/best wishes,
<your name>.