Эвер Габо Андерсон – дочь актрисы Милы Йовович и режиссёра Пола Андерсена. Малышка появилась на свет 5 ноября 2007 года. Как рассказывала сама Мила, беременность и роды были очень тяжёлыми и мучительными. Но дочка здорова и очень похожа на маму, причём не только внешне, но и характером.
Она также красива, непосредственна и весела. Звёздные мама и папа просто души не чают в своей красавице. И Эвер отвечает им тем же. И такую взаимную и сильную любовь видно невооружённым глазом даже на фотографиях.
Ever Gabo Anderson is daughter of actress Mila Jovovich and Director Paul Anderson. Baby was born 5 November 2007. She said Mila, pregnancy and birth was very difficult and painful. But her daughter is healthy and very similar to the mother, not only externally but also character.
She is beautiful, immediate and fun. Star mom and dad just doted in his beauty. And ever answers them the same. And such a mutual and strong love can be seen with the naked eye even in the photos.
При изменении прямой речи в косвенную местоимения первого и второго лица заменяются местоимениями третьего лица и соответственно меняются формы глаголов.
1. The girl says:" I am buying a present for my mum."
The girl says that she is buying a present for her mum.
2. Mr. Johnson says :" I usually use the net to chat with my coworkers."
Mr. Johnson says (that) he usually uses the net to chat with his coworkers.
3. The correspondent says:" My friend has been to this place before"
The correspondent says his friend has been to this place before.
4. The students say: " Our teacher is very strict."
The students say their teacher is very strict.
5. Dad says :" We will go to Europe in summer."
Dad says we will go to Europe in summer.
Поскольку слово dad написано без артикля, говорящий говорит о своем отце, поэтому местоимение we относится ко всей семье говорящего, а значит, местоимение не меняется.
6. The man says :" My wife knew about it yesterday."
Она также красива, непосредственна и весела. Звёздные мама и папа просто души не чают в своей красавице. И Эвер отвечает им тем же. И такую взаимную и сильную любовь видно невооружённым глазом даже на фотографиях.
Ever Gabo Anderson is daughter of actress Mila Jovovich and Director Paul Anderson. Baby was born 5 November 2007. She said Mila, pregnancy and birth was very difficult and painful. But her daughter is healthy and very similar to the mother, not only externally but also character.
She is beautiful, immediate and fun. Star mom and dad just doted in his beauty. And ever answers them the same. And such a mutual and strong love can be seen with the naked eye even in the photos.
При изменении прямой речи в косвенную местоимения первого и второго лица заменяются местоимениями третьего лица и соответственно меняются формы глаголов.
1. The girl says:" I am buying a present for my mum."
The girl says that she is buying a present for her mum.
2. Mr. Johnson says :" I usually use the net to chat with my coworkers."
Mr. Johnson says (that) he usually uses the net to chat with his coworkers.
3. The correspondent says:" My friend has been to this place before"
The correspondent says his friend has been to this place before.
4. The students say: " Our teacher is very strict."
The students say their teacher is very strict.
5. Dad says :" We will go to Europe in summer."
Dad says we will go to Europe in summer.
Поскольку слово dad написано без артикля, говорящий говорит о своем отце, поэтому местоимение we относится ко всей семье говорящего, а значит, местоимение не меняется.
6. The man says :" My wife knew about it yesterday."
The man says his wife knew about it yesterday.
7. Mum says:" I am very tired today."
Mum says she is very tired today.