Answer the questions:
1. Why is it difficult to define the word quality?
2. What does this word mean to different people?
3. Why does the meaning of this word change over the years?
4. What points were emphasized in the ad of 1897?
5. What points are emphasized now?
Вот перевод:
Привет Ben. Я думаю, что японский язык сложный, но изучать его интересно.Изучать японский язык, это интересно потому, что ты можешь изучить новыую культуру и новые традиции. А ещё, этот язык очень красивый.В школе я изучаю английский язык. Мне бы хотелось изучить японский язык. Языки- это круто! Чем больше ты знаешь, тем лучше ты понимаешь других людей и понимаешь их странные и необычные культуры. Изучай японский, это красывай и необычный язык.
Dear Ben,
Thank you for your letter. I'm glad to get your letter again. I am very glad that you started to learn the Japanese language. I think it's very interesting. I'm sure you will succeed. What are your favorite Japanese cartoons?
At school we study English and I like it a lot. I sometimes read books in English and watch foreign films. I would like to become a teacher of English. As for the second language, of course, I would like to learn French. I love this country, I would like to learn their culture and to travel there.
( As they say, 'To see Paris and to die.' Have you heard this saying? )
What countries would you like to go to and why?
Sorry, I have to go help mum around the house. This weekend we plan to have a picnic.
Best wishes,
(твое имя)