Current world champion Lewis Hamilton was born January 7, 1985. Hamilton spends a ninth season in racing. Already twice become world champion and once finished the Formula 1 season in second place. This season also is in first place and seeks to defend the title formula of the king. For his career Lewis won 36 Grand Prix, was 21 times the second, third 18 times crossed the finish mark and were able to earn 1597 points. Plays for the team Mersedes. Its performance, as Vettel will change after each race. Today, the conflict between the German and Hamilton is a jewel of the formulae of the competition. у меня такое же домашние задание было и я получил 5 так что пиши и не валнуйся
2 the bullying problem (все три слова подлежащее) is really serious ( is serious - оба слова сказуемое) in many schools.
3 bullies (подлежащее) use (сказуемое) verbal and physical abuse
on their victims
4 name-calling (подлежащее) is one of the most common abuses (вся группа сказуемое)
5 it (подлежащее) is very difficult (сказуемое) to prove the cases of bullying and to punish bullies.