По-перше це додаткові знання, по-друге фахівця, який володіє іноземною мовою роботодавці охоче беруть на службу. Втім, і це не саме головне. Основний момент - це можливість зануритися в світ загадкового і незбагненного, це можливість спілкування з людьми і з іншим пластом світогляду і ментальності. До речі, завдяки вивченню іноземної мови - у вас покращиться пам'ять, увага і вміння зосередитися на своїй думці. І навіть у випадку - якщо ви не досягнете бажаного результату - це вже до практично в будь-якій сфері вашої життєдіяльності. А це погодьтеся вже не мало!
1. Mr Brooks was not surprised by the fact that British teenagers favorite TV programmes could be a soap opera and a guiz.
2. Mr Brooks felt sorry that teenagers spent their pocket money on games and cinema rather than on books. He was happy that his son did not play computer games very often.
3. Mr Braxton said that it was normal that three out of four boys aged 16-17 were involved in sports outside school. He added that his 16-year-old son had been playing football for his school football team for two years.
1. Mr Brooks was not surprised by the fact that British teenagers favorite TV programmes could be a soap opera and a guiz.
2. Mr Brooks felt sorry that teenagers spent their pocket money on games and cinema rather than on books. He was happy that his son did not play computer games very often.
3. Mr Braxton said that it was normal that three out of four boys aged 16-17 were involved in sports outside school. He added that his 16-year-old son had been playing football for his school football team for two years.