Articles: a or the?
Choose the correct article:
1. John is __ best teacher in our school.
a)a; b)the
2. She has __ very nice cat.
a)a; b)the
3. My wife is__ only person I love.
a)a; b)the
4. My cousin is__ police officer.
a)a; b)the
5. Betty is__ prettiest girl in our class.
a)a; b)the
6. There is__ party at Bill’s house tonight.
a)a; b)the
7. What time are we going to__ party?
a)a; b)the
8. Yesterday I saw__ really good movie.
a)a; b)the
9. Hurry up! __ movie starts in 15 minutes!
a)a; b)the
Tom was a bully in grade school, but he’s mended his ways and apologized to everyone.
Your mental health and emotional well being are just as important as your physical health.
Innocent bystanders were hurt in police effort to contain the march.
Taking a reactive approach is usually a last resort.
You could defuse the tension in the room with a few ice breakers.
It is highly dangerous to aggravate a lion in the wilderness.
Thank god Josie was able to intervene in the situation before it got worse.
We should all take a proactive stance on equal pay.