As a disadvantage, educators may consider this information overload. With all 1. the information available to students, they may fi nd it
diffi cult 2. choose which information is most important to a topic and
also when 3. stop looking. In addition, the validity 4. _ Internet
sources varies considerably from website, which means students can very
acquire inaccurate or outdated information online.
An online education provides students 5. the convenience of going
to class and completing assignments 6. __ their own timetable. Students
who take classes 7. a college or university nowhere near their home
and get an education experience not available to them locally. Students
who travel with a job can take a class 8. a house, hotel room or
coffee shop. Students save on housing, gas money and travel.
However, an online education means face-to-face instruction does not
exist, nor does ability 9. get instant feedback on class assignments
10. _ many situations. They also can’t hear questions from other
students (or ask questions themselves), which often can give clarifi cation
to a student struggling 11. the concepts of the materials.
Of to to of with on in to in with
азвание[править | править вики-текст]Как указывал историк Хосе де Акоста, слово «Chile» на языке кечуа означало «холодный»[4] или же «предел»[5]. По другой версии, так называлась главная долина на территории Чили.
Особого внимания заслуживает вопрос о грамматическом роде названия «Чили». Если имеется в виду государство, слово Чили — среднего рода. Если же подразумевается страна («Чили протянулась узкой полосой вдоль Тихоокеанского побережья Южной Америки…»), то — женского.
Chile (Spanish: Chile, the official name -. The Republic of Chile - a country in the south-west of South America, occupying a long strip of land between the Pacific Ocean and the Andes.
name currently [citation needed | edit wiki text]As pointed out by historian José de Acosta, the word "Chile" in Quechua means "cold" [4] or "limit" [5]. According to another version, the so-called main Valley in Chile.
Of particular note is the question of the grammatical gender of the name "Chile". If you mean the state, the word Chile - neuter. If it means the country ( "Chile stretches in a narrow strip along the Pacific coast of South America ..."), then -. Feminine