ask 2. Read the text again and answer the questions (3 points); 1 How has the market changed 2 How is this market related to a since it first opened? popular department store? *** Why might someone want to visit this market? ON*
4) so that the rattlesnake does not get angry and does not attack, do not touch it.
1) grizzly bear
2) in Canadian forests, the Rockies, and Alaska in North America
3) bears can attack people
4) you need to be careful to notice the presence of the bear and leave quickly, walk in groups and make noise, go around the thick bushes (they can hide a predator)
1) raccoon
2) in Eurasia (most often in the Far East, in the Krasnodar Territory, and in the Caucasus)
3) wild raccoon excrement contains a large number of dangerous parasites, which is a great danger to humans
4) hide food so as not to attract a raccoon
1) alligator
2) east coast of the USA
3) an alligator can attack and do serious damage
4) keep a distance from water, keep a distance of a least 5 meters to alligators, do not scare the alligator, try to fight it is case of attack
1) c
2) a
3) a
4) a
5) c
1) rattlesnake
2) North America
3) rattlesnake bite is poisonous
4) so that the rattlesnake does not get angry and does not attack, do not touch it.
1) grizzly bear
2) in Canadian forests, the Rockies, and Alaska in North America
3) bears can attack people
4) you need to be careful to notice the presence of the bear and leave quickly, walk in groups and make noise, go around the thick bushes (they can hide a predator)
1) raccoon
2) in Eurasia (most often in the Far East, in the Krasnodar Territory, and in the Caucasus)
3) wild raccoon excrement contains a large number of dangerous parasites, which is a great danger to humans
4) hide food so as not to attract a raccoon
1) alligator
2) east coast of the USA
3) an alligator can attack and do serious damage
4) keep a distance from water, keep a distance of a least 5 meters to alligators, do not scare the alligator, try to fight it is case of attack
1) 1) She eats - она ест
She ate - она поела
She will eat - она будет есть
2) 1) Она ходит в школу каждый день (Present simle)
2) Они будут кататься на коньках следующей зимой (Future simple)
3) Я приготовил/а обед вчера (Past simple)
4) Он получил четверку по истории (Past simple)
5) Ты ходишь плавать по воскресеньям (Present simple)
6) У нас завтра будет выходной (Future simple)
3) 1) He met with his friend yesterday - Вчера она встретился со своbми друзьями
2) You watched TV every day - Ты смотришь телевизор каждый день
3) I will vacuum tomorrow - Я буду пылесосить завтра
4) She skis on Sunday - Она катается на коньках по воскресеньям
5) They listened to music last Saturday - Они слушали музыку в субботу
6) We will drink coffee next morning - Мы будем пить кофе следующим утром
4) 1) He almost wakes up at 6 o'clock every day. Yesterday he woke up at 6.30 , but tomorrow he will wake up at 6.15
2) Usually we cook food in the evening, but tomorrow we will cook dsupper in the afternoon
1) 1) I visit my friends - Я посещаю своих друзей
2) I visited my friends - Я посетил моих друзей
3) I will visit my friends - Я посещу своих друзе
2) 1) Она убирала пыль с мебели вчера (Past simple)
2) Я сделаю работу по дому завтра (Future simple)
3) Ты поливаешь цветы каждый день (Present simple)
3) 1) He makes bed every day - Он застилает кровать каждый день
2) We swam lat weekend- Мы плавали на выходных
3) I will wash u tomorrow - Я посуду завтра
4) He almost surfs the net every day. Yesterdayhe surfed the net the whole day and tomorrow he will surf the net again.