Бишкек – это столица кыргызстана, расположенная у подножия гор тянь-шань в центральной азии. отсюда можно добраться до горных хребтов ала-тоо и национального парка ала-арча, известных своими ледниками и дикой природой. культурные центры города – монументальный национальный музей искусств и театр оперы и , размещенный в здании с колоннами. на центральной площади ала-тоо установлен памятник герою киргизского эпоса манасу великодушному. bishkek is the capital of kyrgyzstan, located at the foot of the tien shan mountains in central asia. from here you can reach the ala-too mountain ranges and the ala-archa national park, famous for their glaciers and wildlife. cultural centers of the city are the monumental national museum of art and the opera and ballet theater, housed in a building with columns. on the central square ala-too there is a monument to the hero of the kyrgyz epic manas the magnanimous.
We ( are reading) now.
The children often ( play ) board games .
The baby ( is sleeping) at the moment.
My sister (is playing) board games now.
He (does not go) on hikes in winter.
They (like) going on trips.
My brother (isnot taking) photos now.
The baby (is not sleeping) at the moment.
Is he ( reading) now?
Are your sisters ( sleeping) now?
Doyou ( go) to school on Saturdays?
Does he ( go) to a camp every summer?
Are you ( working) now?
What are …you ( doing) now?
When does he ( get ) up?
Who usually ( helps ) your mum with housework?