Assignment 3. Which of the following people are likely to be on the board of directors of a company? a) company secretary c) CEO e) executive directors
b) non-executive directors d) managers f) members of staff
ответ:1. He is running now. He has been running for ten minutes without any rest. 2. What are they doing now? — They are working in the reading-room. They have been working there for already three hours. 3. Where is he now? — He is in the garden. He is playing volley-ball with his friends. They have been playing since breakfast time. 4. I live in St. Petersburg. I have been living in St. Petersburg since 1990. 5. She already has been doing her homework for two hours; but she has not done yet half of it. 6. I have been waiting for you since two o'clock. 7. What are you doing? — I am reading. I have been reading for already two hours. I already have read sixty pages. 8. This man is a writer. He writes books. He has been writing books since he was a young man. He already has writen eight books. 9. What have you been doing here since morning? 10. Lena is a very good girl. She always helps her mother about the house. Today she has been helping her mother since morning. They already have washed the floor and dusted the furniture. Now they are cooking dinner together. 11. This is the factory where my father works. He has been working here for fifteen years. 12. Have You found your note-book? — No! I am still looking for it. I already have been looking for it for two hours, but haven't found it yet. 13. You have been playing with a ball for already three hours. Go home and do your homework. 14. Wake up! You have been sleeping for ten hours already. 15. I have been waiting for a letter from my cousin for a month already, but haven't received it yet. 15. It is difficult for me to speak about this opera as I haven't heard it. 16. I just have received a letter from my granny, but I haven't received yet any letters from my parents. 17. The weather is fine today. The sun has been shining ever since we got up. 18. Every day I wind up my watch at 10 o'clock in the evening. 19. Come along, Henry, what are you doing now? I am waiting for you a long time. 20. Where your gloves are? — I have put them into my pocket.
ответ:1. He is running now. He has been running for ten minutes without any rest. 2. What are they doing now? — They are working in the reading-room. They have been working there for already three hours. 3. Where is he now? — He is in the garden. He is playing volley-ball with his friends. They have been playing since breakfast time. 4. I live in St. Petersburg. I have been living in St. Petersburg since 1990. 5. She already has been doing her homework for two hours; but she has not done yet half of it. 6. I have been waiting for you since two o'clock. 7. What are you doing? — I am reading. I have been reading for already two hours. I already have read sixty pages. 8. This man is a writer. He writes books. He has been writing books since he was a young man. He already has writen eight books. 9. What have you been doing here since morning? 10. Lena is a very good girl. She always helps her mother about the house. Today she has been helping her mother since morning. They already have washed the floor and dusted the furniture. Now they are cooking dinner together. 11. This is the factory where my father works. He has been working here for fifteen years. 12. Have You found your note-book? — No! I am still looking for it. I already have been looking for it for two hours, but haven't found it yet. 13. You have been playing with a ball for already three hours. Go home and do your homework. 14. Wake up! You have been sleeping for ten hours already. 15. I have been waiting for a letter from my cousin for a month already, but haven't received it yet. 15. It is difficult for me to speak about this opera as I haven't heard it. 16. I just have received a letter from my granny, but I haven't received yet any letters from my parents. 17. The weather is fine today. The sun has been shining ever since we got up. 18. Every day I wind up my watch at 10 o'clock in the evening. 19. Come along, Henry, what are you doing now? I am waiting for you a long time. 20. Where your gloves are? — I have put them into my pocket.
поверь мне бро и постав лайки по
и звёздочку
Государственный исторический музей
Государственный исторический музей - крупнейший исторический музей России. Музей
содержит около 5 миллионов музейных предметов и 14 миллионов страниц документального кино.
материалы. Представленные в музее экспонаты отражают историю России с древнейших времен.
раз до наших дней.
Государственная Третьяковская Галерея
Государственная Третьяковская галерея - самый известный художественный музей Москвы. Музей
имеет одну из лучших коллекций русского искусства в мире. Музей был основан в г.
1856 г. - купец Павел Третьяков. Русское музейное объединение «Государственный Третьяков»
Галерея »была основана в 1986 году.
Пушкинский музей изобразительных искусств в Москве
Пушкинский музей изобразительных искусств в Москве - один из лучших художественных музеев России. В
В музее собрано большое количество произведений европейского и мирового искусства. В
Здание музея является памятником архитектуры. Собрание ГМИИ включает
более 560000 картин, рисунков, скульптур, произведений прикладного искусства, археологических раскопок.
памятники и нумизматические предметы и фотографии изобразительного искусства. Музей открыт в г.
1912 г.
Музей современного искусства в Москве
Московский музей современного искусства - музей современного искусства.
находится в Москве, Россия. Это был первый в России государственный музей,
специализируется на искусстве XX и XXI веков. Музей открыт 15 декабря.
1999. Основатель и директор музея - известный скульптор Зураб Церетели.
Изначально основную часть музейного собрания составляла его личная коллекция XX в.
Работы известных художников века. Коллекция музея постоянно пополнялась.
последующие годы.
Политехнический музей
Политехнический музей в Москве - один из старейших научных музеев мира.
Музей основан в 1872 году, после первой Всероссийской технической выставки.
Экспонаты Политехнической выставки стали основной частью собрания музея. Это
в настоящее время является крупнейшим техническим музеем России. В музее более
190 000 объектов, которые могут дать представление о развитии науки и техники. В
музейные экспонаты могут понять принципы работы некоторых технических устройств
Центральный музей Вооруженных Сил
В Центральном музее Вооруженных Сил в Москве хранится большая коллекция военного дела.
техника, оружие, документы и другие экспонаты, связанные с армией. Это один
крупнейших военно-исторических музеев России. Будет интересно посетить
музей для тех, кто интересуется оружием, военной техникой и историей
и советская армия. Экспонаты музея занимают 24 зала. Образцы тяжелых
оружие и военная техника размещены на открытой площадке.
дай лутшии ответ)