Медведь-одно из диких животных. Медведь-всеядный, крупный, сильный и одиночный. Поздней осенью он находит удобное место для зимовки, которая называется берлогой. В берлоге медведь проводит всю зиму,просыпается он весной голодным и худым. От весны до осени медведь ходит по лесу в поисках ягод, орехов, гнёзд диких пчёл и муравейников. Весной медведь становиться хищником, может сказать кабана, лося или оленя. Для спячки медведь устраивает себе берлогу , обычно под упавшими деревьями. Перед спячкой медведь обильно обрастает жирком. Bear one of the wild animals.Bear is omnivorous, large, strong and single. In late autumn he finds a convenient place, which is called the den. In the den a bear spends the whole winter, and wakes up in the spring thin and hungry.
You: Hello.
You friend: Hi! I haven't seen you for ages.
You: I went to a little trip. Have you ever been to Volgograd?
Your friend: No, I haven't. What about you?
You: I was there a few days ago.
Your friend: Is it worth to visit?
You: Oh, yes, sure! I think it's really beautiful city.
Your friend:Why do you think so?
You: There many places to visit and see.
Your friend: What do mean?
You: To begin it I must say that Mamaev Kurgan, first of all. It's a wonderful place.
Your friend: Is it really situated on the hill?
You: Yes, really!
Your friend: I've seen many photos of this monument.
You: And I saw it with my own eyes! It's unforgetable place. You should go there as soon as possible.
Your friend: What place did you visit except Mamaev Kurgan?
You: As for me the historical museum which they called Panorama of Stalingrad Battle.
Your friend:What impressions did you have there?
You: Very good. From my point of view it's an amazing place too. If you ever are in Volgograd you should go and see it.
Your friend: You are a good teller. I want to visit this city. How did you get there?
You: By plane.
Your friend: Oh, were you afraid?
You: Why? No, it was very interesting.
Your friend: Thank you for conversation.
You: You are welcome.
Весной медведь становиться хищником, может сказать кабана, лося или оленя. Для спячки медведь устраивает себе берлогу , обычно под упавшими деревьями. Перед спячкой медведь обильно обрастает жирком.
Bear one of the wild animals.Bear is omnivorous, large, strong and single. In late autumn he finds a convenient place, which is called the den. In the den a bear spends the whole winter, and wakes up in the spring thin and hungry.