At present all the farms in russia have been electrified. over 90 per cent of the electric power consumers in the countryside rely on electricity supplied by the centralized state system. fully electrified production complexes, which ensure high labour productivi-ty, improve the quality of products and reduce their prime cost, are becoming more and more widespread in agriculture. not unfrequent are at present the instances when one or more hundred electric motors operate on a farm. electric motors as a matter of fact take care of all kinds of stationary work. they operate irrigation, pumps, threshing and fanning, as well as grain-drying units. electrical machines supply water to the cowhouse and when necessary heat it, cut ensilage, actuate milking machines, prepare provender in the feed-processing building, feed it to the cattle, remove barnyard manure. electric incubators hatch chicks and ducklets, while eggs are electrically gathered, graded and packed on the line. sheep are nowadays being sheared electrically; this is by far quicker and more efficient than the old hand-method while the clip is greater and of higher quality. of late electricity has found a new sphere of application as the source of ultraviolet and infrared rays which contribute to metabolism and to the growth and healthy development of young domestic animals. ultraviolet irradiation units are effective in preventing and curing rachitis. on the fields electricity is so far being used to a comparatively small extent, but the day is near when eleсtriс ploughing and other field-work will become routine practice. 1. what ensures high labour productivity and improves the quality of products? 2. what instances are not unfrequent at present? 3. where do electrical machines supply water to? 4. how are sheep nowadays being sheared? ответы на вопросы я нашел, но не помню как на них ответить по-.
ю тoулд ми хaу прaуд ю уёр, бат ай уокт эˈуэй
иф ˈoунли ай ну уат ай нoу тэˈдей
у, у
ай ууд хoулд ю ин май армз
ай ууд тейк зэ пейн эˈуэй
сэнк ю фор ол юв дан
фэрˈгив ол юэр мисˈтейкс
зеэрз ˈнасин ай ˈуудэнт ду
ту хир юэр войс эˈген
сэмˈтаймз ай ˈуанэ кол ю
бат ай нoу ю уoунт би зеэр
Ohh айм ˈсари фор ˈблеймин ю
фор ˈевриˌсин ай джаст ˈкудэнт ду
энд айв хёрт ˌмайˈселф бай ˈхёртин ю
сам дейз ай фил брoук инˈсайд бат ай уoунт эдˈмит
сэмˈтаймз ай джаст ˈуанэ хайд каз итс ю ай мис
энд итс сoу хард ту сей ˌгудˈбай
уэн ит камз ту зиз рулз
ууд ю тел ми ай уаз рон?
ууд ю хелп ˌандэрˈстэнд?
ар ю ˈлукин дaун эˈпан ми?
ар ю прaуд ав ху ай эм?
зеэрз ˈнасин ай ˈуудэнт ду
ту хэв джаст уан мор чэнс
ту лук ˈинту юэр айз
энд си ю ˈлукин бэк
Ohh айм ˈсари фор ˈблеймин ю
фор ˈевриˌсин ай джаст ˈкудэнт ду
энд айв хёрт ˌмайˈселф, ohh
иф ай хэд джаст уан мор дей
ай ууд тел ю хaу мач зэт айв мист ю
синс юв бин эˈуэй
у, итс ˈдейнджэрэс
итс сoу aут ав лайн
ту трай энд тёрн бэк тайм
айм ˈсари фор ˈблеймин ю
фор ˈевриˌсин ай джаст ˈкудэнт ду
энд айв хёрт ˌмайˈселф бай ˈхёртин ю
2. What could the partners do if they are "sleeping"? They could invest money in the company and receive a share of the profits, but do not concern themselves with the company's business affairs.
3. What do the shareholders receive? They receive one dividend (part of the profit) per share.
4. What types of joinstock companies do exist? 1 - Public limited company 2- Private limited company
5. How does a joint-stock company count from a legal point of view? As a separate person.
6. By whom are the shares of a private company held? By specially chosen persons or companies.
7. What types of partnership do exist? 1-General or ordinary partnership 2 - Limited or special partnership
8. What are the differences of the limited partnership? The limited partners do not run the risk of losing their personal property if the company goes bankrupt.
9. How many persons could held a private limited company? One
10. What is the minimum amount of share capital in England? £50,000