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18.03.2022 15:30 •  Английский язык

Білет 8read the text below about the eiffel tower and decide if the statements 7 -12 are true or false. mark youranswers on your answer sheet.the eiffel towerit is not possible to go to paris without seeing the eiffel tower. even if you don't go out of your way to visit it,from almost anywhere you look in the city, the tower is simply part of the view.interestingly, this now-famous tower was initially intended to be only a temporary part of france's capital city.it was completed in 1889 and took only two years, two months and five days to build. given the technology back then,this was an unbelievably short amount of time. it was supposed to stand for only twenty years, but people soon foundthat it was useful as well as beautiful; its great height cat almost 1,000 feet, it was the tallest building in the world forover forty years) made it perfect as a radio tower. more importantly, it was so popular with the public, both at homeand abroad, that any ideas about removing it soon disappeared.today, millions of people visit the eiffel tower every year. it has three floors, at 57 m, 115 m and 275 m offthe ground, and each offers amazing views of the city. the first floor was redesigned at one point, and now has a glassbottom so that visitors can see straight down to the street below. the first and second levels can be reached on foot; however, visitors need to take a lift to reach the top floor. the view from the top floor is popular with visitors at anytime of day, but many also choose to visit the tower after the sun goes down so that they can see the lights of parisbelow. although the great height can be scary, regular work is done on the tower to make sure that it stays safe enoughfor people to visit, and the view from the top makes it well worth it.7. it is difficult to locate the eiffel tower in paris,8. the original plan was to take down the eiffel tower after twenty years.9. although the eiffel tower attracted many foreign visitors, the french public disliked it in the beginning10. the original design for the first level did not include the glass floor.11. only two floors can be accessed without a lift12. visitors can only travel up to the top floor when it is dark.​

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18.09.2022 12:03


There are many different types of arts in the world. The most popular ones are cinema, theater, literature, music and painting. I’d like to tell you a little bit about each of these artsFirst of all, my favourite type of art is music. It has always fascinated me how people create such melodic tunes. I love all genres of music, be it jazz, classical, pop, rock, reggae, opera, blues or else. Music can change my mood. If I’m sad I try to listen to something cheerful, for example, to disco music. If I want to think in loneliness, I prefer alternative rock. I’m glad that there are so many devices nowadays which allow us to listen to music everywhere we wish. It includes radios, MP-3 players, CD-players, mobile phones.My second favourite type of art is literature. I like reading interesting novels and detective stories. I also value the works of famous writers and poets. Speaking of Russian writers I’ve read some works of Pushkin, Lermontov, Tolstoy, Turgenev, Dostoevsky and Mayakovski. Their works are world-famous and many books have been translated into other languages.Theater is gradually becoming an outdated type of art. On the contrary, cinemas become more popular. There are many great theatres and large cinemas in Russia. I think people should respect the work of actors and attend theatres more often. As for me, I don’t really like cinemas. If I want to watch a new movie, I buy and watch it at home.Painting is another form of art. Museums and art galleries have always attracted me. I think that painting is a rather interesting activity. One of my friends is really good at it. He is going to enter the University of Arts after graduating from school. His works include oil paintings and pastel. I really admire his talent. I wish I could be as good at painting as him.


В мире существует множество различных видов искусства. Наиболее популярными из них являются кино, театр, литература, музыка и живопись. Я хотела бы рассказать вам немного о каждом из этих видов искусств.Для начала, мой любимый вид искусства – это музыка. Меня всегда изумляло, как люди создают такую мелодичную музыку. Я люблю все жанры музыки, будь то джаз, классика, поп, рок, регги, опера, блюз или другое. Музыка может изменить мое настроение. Если мне грустно, я стараюсь слушать что-то веселое, например, дискотечную музыку. Если я хочу поразмышлять в одиночестве, я предпочитаю альтернативный рок. Я рада, что в настоящее время так много устройств, которые позволяют нам слушать музыку везде, где мы захотим. Сюда относятся радио, MP-3 плееры, CD-плееры, мобильные телефоны.Мой второй любимый вид искусства – это литература. Я люблю читать интересные романы и детективы. Я также ценю произведения известных писателей и поэтов. Говоря о русских писателях, я читала некоторые произведения Пушкина, Лермонтова, Толстого, Тургенева, Достоевского и Маяковского. Их работы известны во всем мире, и многие книги были переведены на другие языки.Театр постепенно становится устаревшим видом искусства. Напротив, кинотеатры становятся все более популярными. В России есть много замечательных театров и больших кинотеатров. Я думаю, что люди должны уважать работу актеров и чаще посещать театры. Что касается меня, я не очень люблю кинотеатры. Если я хочу посмотреть новый фильм, я покупаю и смотрю его дома.

Живопись является ещё одной формой искусства. Музеи и художественные галереи всегда привлекали меня. Я думаю, что рисование довольно интересное занятие. Одному из моих друзей это очень хорошо удается. Он собирается поступить в университет искусств, после окончания школы. Его работы включают картины маслом и пастелью. Я действительно восхищаюсь его талантом. Я хотела бы быть также хороша в живописи, как он.

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09.10.2022 21:33

thistle has a great reputation among many people who can be found at the same school during the summer and the age in in this way may be more important for the kids to be in the best interests and more important than the other ones that are going on and the best thing that could happen to them is to make sure you get 3PM and you know that they can get you a little better 3PM if you're not interested in the best thing you can do and you can make sure you are you and your parents are you and your children are you and your parents are not the same as your parents or your children

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