b) Match the answers a-h with questions 1-8. Example: a) - Question 5 a) It was in September. I was eleven! b) I was born in Bishkek. c) Yes, there was a test on Maths. d) I don't know. I wasn't at home last night. e) Yes, Altynai was late - as usual. f) My mother was born in Bishkek. My father was born in Karakol. g) My father was at work. h) I was at home with my family.
I have roller skates. They are black with a red uzorami.Ya ride with them in the evening, on weekends from druzyami. At six o'clock in the evening I call friends. We go out to get by on moil favorite roliah. Of course, the world does not yet have a nazavaniem sports, roller skating. But I am sure that in the future, such a sport become a legend! And I, I should be a champion for those, interesting,
Вот, про цвет роликов можешь исправить я просто про свои написала, но вдруг у тебя такие же, я не знаю