B. Put the right forms some, any, an or a to complete the following sentences 1) There are___ postcards on this table for you 2) Are there___ parents in that party? 3) There isn't___ shopping centre in this little town 4) Is there___ office near here? 5) There are good books that you should read 6) Is there___ orange in the fridge? 7) Are there__ chocolates in the kitchen? 8) There aren't cookies left, sorry! 9) There's house next to the river. Some friends live there 10) Are there___ armchairs in your house?
1. Yesterday at the Mall I bought suede (suede) gloves. They are close to me. If you want, I can give them to you. Thank you. I'll take them with pleasure, if you will. Is a size 6 and a half – As well! It's just my size. – How much do they cost? – $ 10. – Here's the money, please. 2. I got a scholarship, and I'll have to do some shopping. I need to buy stockings, socks and red leather strap for my new dress. 3. In the summer I prefer to wear dresses made of cotton. In they are not as hot as in silk. 4. You look good in that suit. But the jacket is too long in my opinion. 5. The dresses in this shop are not for sale. There are only mens suits, trousers, jackets and men's shirts. 6. Help me to choose the shoes – Try on those brown. It seems to me that they perfect for your green suit. 7. Take my advice, don't take this coat. It is no longer fashionable. It is, rather, much better. I'm sure it would sit well on you. Go to the fitting room. This way, please. Oh, the coat is really amazing. What does it cost? – 500 dollars. Write a check? Yes, please, I really appreciate it. 8. We ran out of sugar and butter. On the way to work don't forget to go to the grocery store and buy everything you need. 9. We are almost out of bread. Go to the bakery and buy a loaf and two buns (bun). 10. We need to buy for the festive table sausage, cheese, cans of sprats (a tin of sprats), vegetables for salad, sweets and cakes. 11. Nina have to go to the vegetable store and buy cabbage and carrots. 12. Robert was forced to go to grocery store.
У меня растут года.Будет и семнадцать.Кем работать мне тогда?Чем заниматься?Владимир Маяковский. Выбор профессии для меня – дело нелегкое. Ведь в моей семье у дедушки и папы замечательные профессии: дедушка – инженер, а папа служит в полиции. У дедушки профессия очень интересная! Работа его состоит в том, чтобы сделать чертеж, по которому будет выстроен дом, или мост, или завод. Например, легко ли построить через реку мост? Конечно, когда река небольшая, то всякий может положить через нее бревно – и мост готов. А если река большая, как Москва-река или Волга? Здесь бревна не Мост придется строить из металла или железобетона. Но как узнать, сколько опор должно быть у моста? Сколько машин и людей он может выдержать? Не разрушится ли мост, если начнется сильная буря? Выдержат ли опоры моста удары льдин во время весеннего ледохода? Чтобы ответить на эти вопросы, нужно, как мой дедушка, хорошо знать математику, физику, черчение и другие технические науки. Человека, изучившего эти науки и умеющего с их сконструировать надежный мост или здание, называют инженером. Дедушка говорит, что инженер почти волшебник: он немного архитектор, конструктор, он разрабатывают генеральные планы объектов, куда входят дороги, земляные работы, организация строительства и многое другое! Поэтому дедушке очень нравится его работа.А еще я люблю загадки, тайны, меня привлекают истории о Шерлоке Холмсе, поэтому я восхищаюсь работой папы. Он полицейский. В его присяге есть слова о том, что полицейский должен быть честным, мужественным, бдительным, соблюдать законы России, уважать права и свободы человека и гражданина. Я тоже хочу быть таким, как папа, хочу людям, поэтому, выбирая между профессией дедушки и папы, все же решил идти в полицию. Я буду следователем и обязательно постараюсь работать так, чтобы дедушка и папа мной гордились!
them to you. Thank you. I'll take them with pleasure, if you will. Is a size 6 and a half – As
well! It's just my size. – How much do they cost? – $ 10. – Here's the money, please. 2. I
got a scholarship, and I'll have to do some shopping. I need to buy stockings, socks and
red leather strap for my new dress. 3. In the summer I prefer to wear dresses made of cotton. In
they are not as hot as in silk. 4. You look good in that suit. But the jacket is too long in my opinion.
5. The dresses in this shop are not for sale. There are only mens suits, trousers, jackets and
men's shirts. 6. Help me to choose the shoes – Try on those brown. It seems to me that they
perfect for your green suit. 7. Take my advice, don't take this coat. It is no longer
fashionable. It is, rather, much better. I'm sure it would sit well on you. Go to
the fitting room. This way, please. Oh, the coat is really amazing. What does it cost? – 500
dollars. Write a check? Yes, please, I really appreciate it. 8. We ran out of sugar and butter. On
the way to work don't forget to go to the grocery store and buy everything you need. 9. We are almost out of bread.
Go to the bakery and buy a loaf and two buns (bun). 10. We need to buy for the festive
table sausage, cheese, cans of sprats (a tin of sprats), vegetables for salad, sweets and cakes. 11. Nina
have to go to the vegetable store and buy cabbage and carrots. 12. Robert was forced to go to
grocery store.