2 Be careful with that vase. If you dropped it, it would break into small pieces.
3 This notebook is very important to me. I'd be very upset if I lost it.
4 I don't expect to lose my job but if that happened, I'd have to find another one.
5 We're thinking about our holiday for next year. If we went to Italy, would you come with us?
6 I don't think he'll fail the exam. I'd be very surprised if he did.
2 Будь осторожен с той вазой. Если ее уронить, она бы разбилась на маленькие кусочки.
3 Эта тетрадь очень важна для меня. Я бы очень расстроился, если б потерял ее.
4 Я не думаю, что потеряю работу, но если бы это случилось, мне бы пришлось искать другую.
5 Мы подумываем об отпуске в следующем году. Если б мы поехали в Италию, ты поехал бы с нами?
6 Я не думаю, что он завалит экзамен. Я бы очень удивился, если б он завалил его.
Это задание на условные предложения второго типа, которые используются для описания нереальной ситуации в будущем или настоящем, когда говорящий предполагает, что могло бы произойти при определенных условиях.
Условные II типа в придаточной части содержат глагол в Past Simple, a в главной части - would+ инфинитив.
7. Translate the sentences, pay attention to the form of the infinitive, state the syntactic function of the infinitive. 1. It's not easy to play in such super players as a team. 2. Succeed in
To this tournament means the opportunity to go to the European Championship. 3. Say that you are more encouraging than us - do not say anything. 4. Sitting with hands clasped in such a situation means acting out of your own interests and ambitions. 5. Check out what anyone knows for you to work, which means less those who you and have spent spending a precious hour. 6. Choose a specialty, as you do not fit, means to save yourself a sprat of fate, or the goal of life. 7. Vіn y garnіy formі, it will not be important for you to take the fate of the gymnastics zmagannyah. 8. Successful performance at the championship means winning a victory. 9. Your task is to read the explanation to KNOW the words that characterize the main character. 10. Now, if we have reached the final, our goal is to win over the supermen. 11. I am so tired, and my only hope is to sleep. 12. Mustache, WHAT I want at once, so don’t touch your stupid ideas. 13. Mustache, that I am going to work at once, so pick up your speeches and send the stars back. 14. Stink me so nabridli. that my only bazhannya did not bachiti them more than ever. 15. At least, what can I do, so everything is forgotten, like a nightmare. 16. Everything that is left out, so try to get in touch and try to know the right language. 17. Why do you want to destroy everyone with your bad jets? 18. My name - turn our company around partners and clients. 19. Understand what you say. mayzhe impossibly, because you do not say anything specific. 20. Pratsiuvati with small children means mothers with a lot of patience and love for them.
38.1 Complete the sentences. Choose from:
happened, did ,dropped, , lost, was, went
2 Be careful with that vase. If you dropped it, it would break into small pieces.
3 This notebook is very important to me. I'd be very upset if I lost it.
4 I don't expect to lose my job but if that happened, I'd have to find another one.
5 We're thinking about our holiday for next year. If we went to Italy, would you come with us?
6 I don't think he'll fail the exam. I'd be very surprised if he did.
2 Будь осторожен с той вазой. Если ее уронить, она бы разбилась на маленькие кусочки.
3 Эта тетрадь очень важна для меня. Я бы очень расстроился, если б потерял ее.
4 Я не думаю, что потеряю работу, но если бы это случилось, мне бы пришлось искать другую.
5 Мы подумываем об отпуске в следующем году. Если б мы поехали в Италию, ты поехал бы с нами?
6 Я не думаю, что он завалит экзамен. Я бы очень удивился, если б он завалил его.
Это задание на условные предложения второго типа, которые используются для описания нереальной ситуации в будущем или настоящем, когда говорящий предполагает, что могло бы произойти при определенных условиях.
Условные II типа в придаточной части содержат глагол в Past Simple, a в главной части - would+ инфинитив.
7. Translate the sentences, pay attention to the form of the infinitive, state the syntactic function of the infinitive. 1. It's not easy to play in such super players as a team. 2. Succeed in
To this tournament means the opportunity to go to the European Championship. 3. Say that you are more encouraging than us - do not say anything. 4. Sitting with hands clasped in such a situation means acting out of your own interests and ambitions. 5. Check out what anyone knows for you to work, which means less those who you and have spent spending a precious hour. 6. Choose a specialty, as you do not fit, means to save yourself a sprat of fate, or the goal of life. 7. Vіn y garnіy formі, it will not be important for you to take the fate of the gymnastics zmagannyah. 8. Successful performance at the championship means winning a victory. 9. Your task is to read the explanation to KNOW the words that characterize the main character. 10. Now, if we have reached the final, our goal is to win over the supermen. 11. I am so tired, and my only hope is to sleep. 12. Mustache, WHAT I want at once, so don’t touch your stupid ideas. 13. Mustache, that I am going to work at once, so pick up your speeches and send the stars back. 14. Stink me so nabridli. that my only bazhannya did not bachiti them more than ever. 15. At least, what can I do, so everything is forgotten, like a nightmare. 16. Everything that is left out, so try to get in touch and try to know the right language. 17. Why do you want to destroy everyone with your bad jets? 18. My name - turn our company around partners and clients. 19. Understand what you say. mayzhe impossibly, because you do not say anything specific. 20. Pratsiuvati with small children means mothers with a lot of patience and love for them.