B. Word formation 1. Ultimately, the means of escapism is … unimportant.
2. Its root cause is an …
3. to establish … relationships with other people in the real world,
4. and it is …associated with feelings
5. such as guilt, … or pointlessness.
6. Some people interpret the … of escapism
7. as an indication that people are …
with the lives they are leading – whether due to
8. material deprivation or cloying … .
9. They believe that … is the key to helping escapists –
10. by encouraging them to think …,
11. it can break them out of their self-imposed … and they
12. can start living for real once more, enjoying their … with others.
не пойму что тут делать надо и как?
in my free time i like writing some texts in english, this is so cool. when i go home, after hard day at school, i'm starting doing my homework, and i can't wait, when i can write the text in english, excuse my tautology. when my friends go for a walk and have fun, i'm writing the texts, like this; i can write texts for 10 hours. i could built a perfect card castles or i could create incredible domino rally. but instead of this i'm naturally create the sentences and make a texts of them in english of course. sometimes i going to a street and take some notes in my notepad, about everything, like what humans prefer to do. usually they do nothing, just pretending to busy with something. i have a second little hobby, which i do then i don't write some lyrics - it's collecting bugs and some insects. i just go to the forest and put the bottle traps, after i use special technique to perpetuate them. and also i love a dreaming.
Как дела? Я пишу тебе о наших выходных на Гаваях. Это было хорошо
Я поехал туда со своей семьей. Мы остановились в отеле возле Тихого океана. Песок здесь чёрный ! Я плавал каждое утро.Мы посетили тропический лес,тоже. Мы сделали много фото разных животных. Мама и папа взяли меня на просмотр водопада и на подъем на гору. Это был прекрасный выходной!
Напиши и расскажи мне о твоём выходном
Береги себя,