B1 – B5 Раскройте скобки, поставив глагол в нужной форме (Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple, Future Simple)
B1. Last Monday we (not take) a taxi.
B2. I (go) swimming once a week.
B3. My mother (not use) a computer every day.
B4. My family (ski) in the mountains next December.
B5. At the moment he (listen) to music.
They were great friends, right?
Are you keen on singing or dancing? Yesterday at 6 pm, I was sleeping.
4 My mother often visits her parents on Sundays.
What are you doing now?
I'm doing my homework.
6. If you go to bed early, you will be in a great mood in the morning.
7 Are you going to forget about your bad habits?
8. If you visited him yesterday, you would have told him about this.
If you watch this amazing film, you will fall in love with this actor.
I intend to become a brilliant actress. comes to your girlfriend every day?
12. I will not drink cold milk.
13. I have been waiting for you for 3 hours.
14 Have you seen him this horror movie?
I can’t bear boring documentaries.
16. Now my friends are painting
17. If I have good health, I will go to this city.
18. If I had money, I would wash the car.
19 you did your homework, right?
20. I said that I would come.
20. I am going to have a cup of tea.
22. This day was very difficult. I hate getting up early.
23. I did not give him this boring film. 24. She does not want to start the lesson.
28. I have not seen you for ages.
26. Your house is very sweet when you bought it?
Цей міст є найвідомішим мостом в Лондоні. Він перетинає річку Темзу. Він знаходиться поруч з Лондонської вежею, на честь якої він названий. Міст складається з двох частин, які піднімаються, коли пропливає корабель. Щороку безліч туристів відвідують цей міст.
Этот мост является самым известным мостом в Лондоне. Он пересекает реку Темзу. он находится рядом с Лондонской башней, в честь которой он назван. Мост состоит из двух частей, которые поднимаются, когда проплывает корабль. Каждый год множество туристов посещают этот мост.