be going to Complete the table with the words 1 in the box. aren't 're is 'm 's Are going 'm not stay to You I'm 3 S Affirmative going to ask the travel agent about Paris You're going! buy a guidebook He/She / It? going to return soon. We / You / They! going to fly Negative going to book a luxury hotel. aren't going to swim. He/She / It isn't to travel by car. We / You / They? going to come. Questions Am I going to in a five-star hotel? Are you going to travel anywhere this summer? he/she/it going to stop here? we/you / they going to walk? 9 10
3. I regret (to inform) you that you haven't been admitted.
4. I regret (not listening) to my mother's advice. She was right.
5. When he asked a question she always tried (to explain) everything.
6. He did everything to stop the baby (cry). He tried (feeding) him, he tried (burping) him, he tried (changing) his diapers. Yet nothing worked.
7. She didn't like (being refused), although she wasn't very happy about (going) to this party.
8. I didn't like (to eat) the fruit as I wasn't sure whether it was fresh.
9. I like (listening) to pop music.
10. The car began (making) a very strange noise so I stopped (to see) what was wrong.
11. I entirely forget (to say) anything of the kind.
12. He forgot (to tell) me his telephone number, though I remember (asking) him about it.
13. I hate her (criticising) me the way she does. But I'd hate her (to think) that her criticism hurts me, so I just keep quiet.
14. Although I usually prefer (being) frank to (being) secretive, yesterday I preferred (to keep) my opinion of Jane to myself.
15. I know he loves (skating) and would love nothing so much as (to turn) a professional.
2. Клиенты хотели получить образцы наших товаров, и мы послали их им.
3. Я не нашел ни одной ошибки в вашем переводе. Вы нашли какие-либо в моём?
4. В то время никто не мог пользоваться графическими программами для создания и редактирования движущихся изображений.
5. Обновить - значит улучшить что-то, например, компьютерную программу или вид услуг.