1.The reporter noted there was a serious lack of resources available to us then
2.They admitted the earth was over populated then.
3.Anna said to ride a bike was good for the environment and great for our health.
4.Scientist warn oil spills damage the prime source of water for various cities marine life and even affect birds /Обратите внимание, здесь главное предложение в настоящем.
5.Our teacher explained to us that many chemicals destroyed the ozone layer because they interacted with ozone.
6.A famous ecologist said the use of nuclear energy had led to the threat.
7.The author of the article stated the high amounts of air pollution were caused by the development of several industries and water pollution.
9.I asked myself what the ingredients of these cleaning products were.
1.The reporter noted there was a serious lack of resources available to us then
2.They admitted the earth was over populated then.
3.Anna said to ride a bike was good for the environment and great for our health.
4.Scientist warn oil spills damage the prime source of water for various cities marine life and even affect birds /Обратите внимание, здесь главное предложение в настоящем.
5.Our teacher explained to us that many chemicals destroyed the ozone layer because they interacted with ozone.
6.A famous ecologist said the use of nuclear energy had led to the threat.
7.The author of the article stated the high amounts of air pollution were caused by the development of several industries and water pollution.
9.I asked myself what the ingredients of these cleaning products were.
Льюис сказал, что в исландских супермаркетах была система пластиковых бутылок.
2) Он сказал, что покупатели ... 10 пенсов за каждую пластиковую бутылку.
3) Он сказал, что в супермаркете ... 311 500 бутылок.
4) Фрейя сказала, что она и некоторые из ее друзей ... плавают.
5) Она сказала, что это ... 25 минут, чтобы добраться до Шетланда с учителем.
6) Эбби сказала, что она ... чтобы стать самым молодым человеком в плавании
по всему миру в одиночку.
7) Она сказала, что 8 лет спустя какие-то люди ... ее лодка у берега
8) Мистер Смит сказал, что два очень необычных птенца сокорро ... в зоопарке Честера.
9) Он сказал, что птенцы ... в дикой природе 47 лет.