Before constructing the new railroad, it is necessary to do a great job. first of all, it is necessary to survey carefully the country through which the railroad runs to find the best and most suitable route. then the drawings and plans showing a course of the railroad, stations and other constructions have to be prepared and the total cost has to be estimated. the following that needs to be made, it to mark the railroad and to push aside all obstacles which can be on the way. it is not less important to place hundreds of workers and to transport cars and materials. works usually begin in several places at the same time, and temporary ways on which small locomotives can work are as soon as possible laid. integral part of any railroad is construction of cabins, and the embankment has to be constructed in low places. construction assumes both use of road-building cars. over streams the water throughput canal can be built. but the wide rivers have to be crossed by bridges of a special design. viaducts are made where it is necessary to cross the wide valley, and they are always convenient and difficult in construction. when all constructions are complete, it is possible to lay constant rails and build construction stations. then the railway line is checked and used at first for the movement of freights, then for slow passenger trains and, at last, if it is the main line, for expresses. подчеркнуть подлежащее и сказуемое
ответ: The English respect laws, rules and instructions. They
are polite and punctual. Some people say that English polities
is formed and mechanical. They use standard phrases but they do not really think about what they are
saying. Imagine the situation: You’re buying two loafs of bread and a pound of butter. The shop assistant says: “Thank you".
He repeats it mechanical but you want to come to this shop
again. When in transport the English are always quiet,
speak in low voices. So if you hear a loud loathing on a
bus or underground you know they are foreigned
Анатолій Криволап вважається найуспішнішим сучасним художником України. Про нього сьогодні говорять чи не найбільше. Він — найдорожчий серед представників сучасного українського мистецтва на міжнародному арт-ринку. У жовтні 2013 року на торгах аукціону “Phillips de Pury & Со” в Лондоні роботу “Кінь. Вечір” було продано за $186 тис. Рекордну суму ще ніхто з інших митців не зміг перевершити. Вартість його картин б’є національні рекорди: у середньому полотна продаються по $70 тис. В основному художник малює пейзажі та експериментує з кольором. Статус “найдорожчого” перетворив роботи Криволапа на обов’язковий предмет декору приймалень, кабінетів і віталень багатьох успішних співвітчизників, а його ім’я — бренд.