Before watching:
Is London the best place to visit while travelling?
Do you know where it is located?
While watching:
Where is London situated according to the clip?
What gifts has London given to the world?
Who built the Tower of London?
What are the iconic symbols of London?
Which museum is the finest in London according to the speaker?
After watching:
Would you like to visit London?
Where would you go first considering the fact that you have already seen a digital guide?
1. Stuart has got a mother
2. Peter has got a father
3. Alice has got a father
4. But Dora has not got a brother
Объяснение: Has got мы употребляем когда у нас что то или кто то есть, а has NOT got идет как отрицание. То есть у Стюарта, Питера, Алисы есть кто то из членов семьи, а у Доры нет брата. Поэтому в случае с Дорой употребили Has not got.
Have got, has got - это две формы одного глагола. Have got заменяется на has got в одном из следующих случаев: 1) В третьем лице единственного числа. Третье лицо, это когда подлежащим является одно из следующих местоимений: он (по-английски - he), она (she), оно (it). 2) Когда в качестве подлежащего используется любое существительное в единственном числе. Примеры: He has got a good job.
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My grandmother's name is Maria. She is 63 years old. She still works. My grandmother is a geography teacher. She loves her job very much.
My grandparents live apart from us. I often visit them on weekends. My grandmother and I walk in the park and feed the ducks. Sometimes we go to a museum or a theater.
Sometimes I help my grandmother to solve some problems with her computer, such as installing a new software.
Grandma loves animals. She has two cats. I play with them when I visit her.
My grandmother is an optimist. She has a good sense of humor. I love my grandmother very much.