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Билет № 2 'Holographic nano-layer catalyser'
The rollout of the new 5G mobile networks began in the UK only last summer and has not yet reached outside urban areas.
Yet across the country there is already a cottage industry offering protection against the supposed negative health effects, even though they have been dismissed by regulators and mainstream scientists.
The 5GBioShield was recommended by a member of Glastonbury Town Council's 5G Advisory Committee, which has called for an inquiry into 5G.
One of nine external members, Toby Hall, said: "We use this device and find it helpful," and provided a link to its website, which describes it as a USB key that "provides protection for your home and family, thanks to the wearable holographic nano-layer catalyser, which can be worn or placed near to a smartphone or any other electrical, radiation or EMF [electromagnetic field] emitting device".
"Through a process of quantum oscillation, the 5GBioShield USB key balances and re-harmonises the disturbing frequencies arising from the electric fog induced by devices, such as laptops, cordless phones, wi-fi, tablets, et cetera," it adds.
Make up 8 different kinds of questions to the text
2. Correct
A deal was gsenid between the two countries
the pilot luchna
fifth nnaotegeir networks
This will bring ungctti-edge technology
he was very happy with the remeagtne
in an area of scatetrig importance
3. INSERT THE VOWELS (a, e, i, o, u)
T h_ H_ _ w _ _ d _ _ l w_t h R_s s_ _ c_m_s _s _ r_l_ _ f f_r t h_ t_c h c_m p_n y , w h_c h h_s h_d _ t_r b_l _n t t_m_ _n r_c_n t m_n t h s . T h_ U S A h_s b l_c k_d t h_ c_m p_n y , c_t_n g _t _s _ n_t_ _ n_l s_c_r_t y r_s k . T h_s r_s_l t_d _n G_ _ g l_ d_n y_n g k_y s_r v_c_s t_ H_ _ w _ _ p h_n_s . H_ _ w _ _ g_t s h _l f _f t h_ c h_p s _t _s_s f r_m U S s_p p l_ _ r s . S_m_ j_ _ r n_l_s t s s_y t h_ U S b_n n_n g _f H _ _ w _ _ c _ _ l d b_ t h_ b_g_n n_n g _f t h_ b_g g_s t t r_d_ w_r _v_r . I n _d d_t_ _ n , t h_ U K - b_s_d t _c h n_l_g y c_m p_n y A R M h_s c_t t_ _ s w_t h H _ _ w _ _ . A R M w_s _ k_y s_p p l_ _ r _f s_m_ - c_n d_c t_r s f_r H_ _ w _ _ ' s p h_n_s . A_s t r_l_ _ , J_p_n _n d N_w Z_ _ l_n d h_v_ f_l l_w_d s_ _ t _n b_n n_n g H _ _ w _ _ f r_m p_r t_c_p_t_n g _n g_v_r n m_n t c_n t r_c t s d_ _ t_ s_c_r_t y c_n c_r n s .
4. Correct the mistakes
1. In my first job, I were responsible for marketing,
2. I applied for several posts this year but I have not managed to find what I’m looking for.
3. The last job I had applied for required applicants to speak some Japanese.
4. I have started learning Spanish a few months ago I have not obtained a qualification in it yet.
5. I wish you will listen to me.
6. I wish I saw the play when it was on at the theatre.
7. The doctor told me to not exercise a lot.
8. My parents offered giving me a lift to the railway station.

Показать ответ
04.12.2020 19:10

Відповідь:4.This is my friend, Nikita. He is an actor. All his friends are actors too. 5. I am happy. my life is great. Are you happy?6. Is everything all right? - Yes, thank you, I am fine. There is no problems. 6. There are two birds in the cage. 7. There is a big bright star in the sky. 8. He is a photographer. 9. Are they your classmates? 10. There are many channels on our television. 11. There are two computers in the office, but there is only one printer. 12. It is Olga's file. -Yes, that is right. 13. Denis is my workmate. 14. I am sorry, very sorry. 15. Are you from this office?- Yes, I am.16. The facts are clear. 17.You are always on my mind!- Oh, aren't I? 18. This telephone number is out of service. Call back later.


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13.10.2020 08:57

1.The British live in England. 2. The British love to drink tea. 3. Members of the British royal family wear medieval clothes during the coronation. 4. The English are naturally polite and never tire of saying “Please” and “Thank you”. 5. the British love gardening and love to talk about it. 6. Since 1937, it has been customary for the British in High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire to weigh the mayor and his advisers. It sounds strange, but it is. 7. The English are inherently couch potatoes. ..they do not like noisy campaigns in cafes, but prefer to spend time at home by the fireplace. 8. Particularly noteworthy is the theme of animals in England. The fact is that according to the number of cats, dogs and parrots per inhabitant, England occupies one of the first places in the world. 9. On weekends, the British love to go out into nature from the hustle and bustle of cities. 10. Also on Saturday nights, the British love to go to the cinema. 11. The British are sensitive to privacy. ..they have strict rules for respecting personal boundaries. 12. In the UK, people are divided into classes based on origin, parenting and upbringing. Class is important information about a person in the UK


Перевод : 1.британцы проживают в Англии . 2. Британцы любят пить чай . 3. Члены королевской британской семьи надевают средневековую одежду во время коронации . 4.Англичане от природы вежливы и никогда не устают говорить “Please” и “Thank you”. 5. Британцы любят садоводство и обожают о нем говорить . 6. С 1937 года у Британцев в городе Хай-Уиком, Бакингемшир, принято взвешивать мэра и его советников.Это звучит странно , но это так. 7.Англичане по своей сути являются домоседами. Они не любят шумных кампаний в кафе , а предпочитают провести время дома у камина . 8.Особого внимания заслуживает и тема про животных в Англии. Дело в том, что по количеству кошек, собак и попугаев,приходящихся на одного жителя, Англия занимает одно из первых мест в мире. 9.По выходным англичане любят выезжать на природу от суеты городов. 10. Так же в субботу вечером англичане любят ходить в кинотеатры. 11.Британцы трепетно относятся к частной жизни. У них есть строгие правила соблюдения личных границ. 12. В Великобритании люди делятся на классы в зависимости от происхождения , родителей и воспитания.Классовая принадлежность – важная информация о человеке в Великобритании.

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