Бобби. я люблю плавание,тоже.но я не умею хорошо плавать. я умею играть в бадминтон.нет,я не хожу в бассейн. около нашей школы есть футбольное поле,там ученики играют в футбол после уроков. вова. =перевести
Hi, Bobby . I love swimming, too.No I can't swim well . I know how to play badminton.Nо, I don't go to the pool . Near our school there is a football field , where the students play soccer after school . Vova .
I love swimming, too.No I can't swim well .
I know how to play badminton.Nо, I don't go to the pool .
Near our school there is a football field , where the students play soccer after school .
Vova .