Bridgit was in Egypt last month. She saw and did a lot of interesting things. Tell if you ever done the following things. Use never or too in your sentences.
She was in Egypt last last. – I have been to Egypt too.
She flew in a supersonic jet. – I’ve never flown in a
supersonic jet.
1. She ate Egyptian food.
2. She drank mint tea.
3. She went to an Egyptian bazaar.
4. She saw a wall painting.
5. She spent Egyptian money.
6. She bought Egyptian jewelry.
7. She took a boat trip up the Nile.
8. She rode a camel.
9. She saw the pyramids.
10. She drove through the desert.
11. She heard Egyptian music.
12. She swam in the Mediterranean [ˌmedɪtəˈreɪniən].
13. She brought home souvenirs from the trip.
Among many sportsmen I like Lilia Podkopayeva. She was born in Donetsk. She began to go in for gymnastics in her early childhood. Thanks to her talent and hard work Podkopaeva won 45 gold, 21 silver and 14 bronze medals in international competitions. She became an absolute champion of the world, an absolute champion of Europe and the absolute champion of the Olympic Games in Atlanta.
After finishing her career Lilia Podkopaev took public activities. She founded the International Charitable Foundation "Health generations" and sports festival "Golden Lily". Her fans around the world dedicate her poems and songs and even make sculptures. People all over the world admire her talent, skills, hard work and charm.
Серед багатьох спортсменів мені подобається Лілія Подкопаєва. Вона народилася в Донецьку. Вона почала займатися гімнастикою на її у ранньому дитинстві. Завдяки її таланту та наполегливій праці Подкопаєва завоювала 45 золотих, 21 срібну і 14 бронзових медалей на міжнародних змаганнях. Вона стала абсолютною чемпіонкою світу, абсолютною чемпіонкою Європи і абсолютною чемпіонкою Олімпійських ігор у Атланті.
Після закінчення кар'єри Лілія Подкопаєва взялася за громадську діяльність. Вона заснувала Міжнародний Благодійний фонд "Здоров'я поколінь" та спортивний фестиваль "Золота Лілія". Її прихильники у всьому світі присвячують їй вірші і пісні, навіть роблять скульптури. Люди в усьому світі захоплюються її талантом, вмінням, працьовитістю і чарівністю.
Task 1
1. Spanish is the most common second language in the USA.
2. The USA consists of 50 states and the District of Columbia.
3. The District of Columbia is a piece of land between Virginia and Maryland.
4. The United States federal system has a government with the head at the President.
5. The National symbols of the USA include the American flag and the Great Seal.
Task 2
1. There are stars and stripes on the American flag.
2. The proclamation of the United States Declaration of Independence is dated 1776.
3. The Statue of Liberty is on the Potomac River.
4. The President of the USA lives and works in the White House.
5. Each citizen of the USA takes part in the process of government.