Будь ласка до ть зробити кр з анг мови 1. Dictation. Write down the words in English and translate
them into Ukrainian.
an invention, to send, a heritage, medieval, the mass media,
a tabloid,
2. Complete the sentences with the words from the dictation
and translate them into Ukrainian.
a) These beautiful old buildings are part of our national
b) is a newspaper with small pages and short articles, a
lot of pictures and stories about famous people.
c) I often emails to my friends..
3. Complete the sentences with the modal verbs.
a) You choose a career of a journalist if you like to
communicate with people..
b) A secretary be good at spelling.
c) … I go on the school trip next week?
4. Think of a programme you have seen recently. Write down a
review of this programme. Start like this:
Watching television is for me. I am fond of different kinds of
TV programmes. I enjoy watching (name the programmes
that you like). Recently I have seen .
Одежда не красит человека
Давным -давно в одном королевстве жила принцесса.
И для того чтобы выйти в свет ей нужно было одеться как простая крестьянка.И вот однажды ей повстречался принц, который был одет по королевски и решил что она простолюдинка поэтому унизил ее . И тогда она поняла что внешний вид и статус не определяют красоту души. Спустя некоторое время ей повстречался по настоящему красивый душой человек с которым она не расставалась до конца жизни.
Once upon a time, a Princess lived in a Kingdom.And in order to go out, she had to dress like a simple peasant woman.And then one day she met a Prince who was dressed royally and decided that she was a commoner and humiliated her . And then she realized that appearance and status do not determine the beauty of the soul. After some time, she met a really beautiful person with whom she did not part for the rest of her life.
Hi George
How are you? I'm on holiday by the sea. I'd hoped to go abroad but i couldn't afford to fly anywhere because i started saving too late. But i don't mind not travelling abroad because this is a great place. My brother encouraged me to come. I'd love you to see it. You should try getting a few days holiday so you can come here. My landlady will let you share my room. I hope to hear from you soon.
Love, Timophy
P.S. Don't forget to book a seat on the coach if you travel at the weekend!