I hang 1) out at the shops but didn't have any money to spend. Then, one day, I bumped 2) into an old friend whose dad had his own business and we started chatting. We got 3) on well with each other and he told me that his father might give me a job, so we went to see him. He was great and I started the next day, working in his toy shop. I spent most of the first day fooling 4) around with the model trains! I don't know how he put 5) up with my behaviour, but eventually I calmed 6) down and now, five years later.
Four friends lived four friends. their names were albert, carl dietrich and friedrich. the names of friends are the same as names, just so that none of them first and last name were not the same, except that the name of dietrich's not albert. determine the name and the name of each boy, if you know that the name of the boy, whose name friedrich, there is the name of the boy, whose name - the name of charles.четыре другажили четыре друга. звали их альберт, карл, дитрих и фридрих. фамилии друзей те же, что и имена, только так, что ни у кого из них имя и фамилия не были одинаковыми, кроме того, фамилия дитриха не альберт. определите фамилию и имя каждого мальчика, если известно, что имя мальчика, у которого фамилия фридрих, есть фамилия того мальчика, имя которого - фамилия карла.такая подойдет ?